Chapter 28

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Ryujin's POV

I was just planning what to put on my office when the door opened

I looked at the person who entered my office

"Im pretty sure you know how to knock"I said

Acting mad

She chuckled

"Shut up I know you missed me"she daid and ran to me hugging me tight

I chuckled

"I did Ryeong"I said and hugged her back

"How are you I heard you and Soobin had a divorce"she sai as she broke the hug

"Doing fine Sungjin is with his guards since I had an emergency I'm pretty sure he's at mom and mommy's house"I said

"So youre finally back here in Korea for good"she said

I smiled and nodded

"Lia unnie said you gave birth to a baby girl"I said with a smile

"Yes we named her after your mom"Chaeryeong chuckled

"I still cant believe the youngest in our group of friends is getting married"I said

"Yeah time flies so quick"Chaeryeong said

"Yeah"I said making her look at me

"But feelings stay the same"she continued

I just looked at her

"She still holds your heart right?"she asked

I gave her a forced smile

"She's happy now"I said diubting my self if I can still make her mine again

"Its not too late Ryu they're just new to their relationship"she replied

Then we heard a knock on the door

I opened the door only to see Yeji

"Can we talk"she said

I looked at Chaer and she nodded

"I'll see you around I'll tell Lia youre here"she said and excused her self

"Is it true"Yeji asked as soon as Chaeryeong left

"What is"I said as I try to distract myself by looking at some of the books

"You and Soobin"she said

"Hmm"I responded

"Why"she asked

"Same thing you did"I said

She sighed

"I thought we already talked about this"she replied

"We did I just said he did the same thing you did thats why we split up"I said

"Can we please be civil?"she said

I looked at her and raised one of my eyebrow

"Youre being too cold"she said

"Perhaps Im jealous"I said

"Of what"she replied

I shurgged my shoulders

"Figure it out"I said

She was about to speak again when the door opened

I looked at the person and smiled

"Nurse Ji Eun"I said

"Ryujinnnnn"she said excitedly and hugged me

"Its so nice to finally see you as a doctor"she said

I chuckled

"Its so nice to see that youre still a nurse here"I said

"I can never leave this place I raised you here"she replied

I chuckled

Well its true

When I spend my time here Nurse Ji Eun is the one who always looks after me when dad is busy with his patients

Speaking of dad

"Unnie"I said

"What is it"Nurse Ji Eun replied

"D-Do you have any contact with dad...."I said

Her smile faded

"Im sorry Ryu...."she replied

I just smiled and nodded

Yeji's POV

Are they done talking?

Ryujin completely forgot that I'm still here

I cleared my throat

Causing the two to look at me

"Oh you know doctor Hwang?"Nurse Ji Eun asked

"Oh remember that patient from room 105,the girl who was hit by a metal rod"Ryujin said

"Ohh that girl is doctor Hwang!?"Nurse Ji Eun said and looked at me

I nodded

"Yeah anyways are you in duty tonight unnie?Im taking my friends out come join us"Ryujin said

"Am I included to your group of friends"I asked

Ryujin looked at me

"Dont you have a date"she said

"It was canceled"I replied

"Suit your self"she replied

"Unnie I forgot the places in this hospital can you show me around again?"Ryujin said and left with nurse Ji Eun

I rolled my eyes

Whats up with her again

She's acting so distant

Yall Im back😭❤

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