62: Caring About Quidditch

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I marched into the Great Hall with a mission on my mind. The Slytherin captain, I had found out, was named Montague.  He was talking to Draco Malfoy when I marched up to him. 

"You can't leave, Malfoy" he was saying angrily "I'm not in the mood to pick six new members!"

"You were picking five anyway" said Malfoy lazily "one more won't make a difference."

"Excuse me" I said "I want a word with you."

"Your boyfriend's a bit busy, Potter" said Montague, waving me off "make out with him later" 

Boyfriend? The hell? There was no I was dating Draco Malfoy.

"What are you talking about?" said me and Malfoy in usion. 

"You--" Montague "your dating, right?"

"We never dated" I said, shooting Malfoy a suspicious look "we never even talked. What did you tell them, Malfoy?"

"I'm just as disgusted as you are, Potter" he said, though he didn't sound like her meant it. He turned to Montague "pick someone else. I'm out."

"Good" I said, pushing past him and standing in front of Montague, he was two feet taller than me, and to him I wouldn't look intimidating in the slightest "listen, you need to include girls in your team."

Montague and Malfoy shared a look then burst out laughing. I scowled. 

"Your kidding, Potter" chortled Montague "girls have never been part of the team."

"What century are we living in?" I said, angrily "the 18th? Wake up for god's sake. It's the 21st century, for crying out loud. Your just scared that girls will be better than you."

Montague flashed me an ugly look "listen, there is no way girls can be better than us. School, sure. But not Quidditch. We've had more training."

"Excuse you" said a girl with blonde hair and large blue eyes, she looked like a seventh year "but we can be ten times better than you."

"That's right" said her friend, who's dark hair reflected the sunlight "it's like Potter said, your just scared."

"Whatever" said Montague, rolling his eyes "I'm the captain. And I'm not changing my mind."

I waved my wand and turned Montague's hair bright orange. Slytherins around us erupted in laughter, gathering the attention of the hall. Slowly, everyone began pointing at him, hiding chortles of laughter. 

"I look like a Weasly!" roared Montague, examining his reflection on the back of a spoon.  "Change it back, Potter! Malfoy, don't you start laughing now! I'm your captain! I command you to stop!"

"Your not my captain anymore, Montague" said Malfoy, with a smirk, "I don't have to listen to you."

The two seventh year girls who had come to help me had giggles erupting every few seconds.

"Why isn't the spell working!" said Montague, frantically waving his wand.

"Because it can only be removed by the person who put it." I said smirking "I'm not removing it, until you give me your word, that you give girls a fair chance."

"I'm the captain Potter!" Montague shrilled "I can't play looking like this! It'll ruin our house's reputation! Is that what you want?"

"Your right" I said solemnly "Feminism isn't as important as our house. Let me fix that for you." I waved my wand for the second time. The hair turned from orange to green. The laughter that had subsided, doubled. 

Emma Potter; Going to WarWhere stories live. Discover now