99: Wants and Needs

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"Ginny, are you fucking kidding me?"

"What?" asked Ginny, handing my her black flats "it compliments the dress."

We were in her room of the Burrow. Mr Weasly had managed to let me meet Draco, and Ginny had found a piece of paper I had forgotten to throw out. It was make up, and hair tips Zoe and Astoria wrote for me. I was wearing a navy blue summer dress, with a built in bra. And now, black flats. 

"I never pinned you for the girly type." I said, taking the shoes and trying them on. We had the same sizes in everything. The dress and flat fit like a glove. 

"I'm not. Why do you think this took me so much time to find?" asked Ginny. "You look great."

"Thanks but we're not going on a date. I'm just going there to fill him up on the plan for when we reach Hogwarts."

"Is that so?" asked Ginny, eyeing my slyly "then why don't you just use your telepathy?"

"Because I get a headache when I have long conversation using it." I explained "can I please change?"

"No. It's Malfoy. You never know, tonight might be the night."

"I hardly think loosing my virginity is a priority when there is a freaking war going on."

There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." called Ginny. 

Fred came in. "Hey, Ems. Dad  says--Woah."

He was eyeing with a half-impressed, half-stunned look. "You look nice."

"You don't need to sound quite so surprised." I laughed. Fred had put a potion in my evening tea yesterday, and I woke just in time to do my animagus spell, but then I went back to sleep and slept well up till noon. I had not slept for seven days, so I honestly have him to thank for my good mood. 

I had been irritated with everyone around me and myself, it wasn't fair to them. I was also extremely irritated with Dumbledore. We also couldn't get the Daily Prophet so I had no idea what was going on.

"No, it's not a surprise." grinned Fred. "I just never thought you'd wear a dress. This is all for Malfoy?"

"Apparently." I said, giving Ginny a dirty look. 

"No," said Ginny. "This is  all because it suits her."

"Well, either way, he's lucky." says Fred, holding the door open "but you have to go now if you want to meet him."

I way Ginny good-bye, grabbed Dumbledore's diary, and follow Fred down the stairs. 

"Emma," says Fred suddenly, which makes me jump. He's only used my name once or twice, he always has some nickname for me. "What do you see in Malfoy?"

This question catches me off guard. "Sorry?"

"It's just. . .why did you become friends with him? I mean, Harry hated him didn't he? Did you do it just to spite him or--?"

I never pegged Fred for the nosy type, and he had never shown much interest in my relationship with Draco before now. This could be curiosity, of course, because Fred Weasly isn't the type of person to stick his nose in things that don't concern him. 

"Not to spite Harry" I said "I was friends with Draco because he made me think and made me laugh. He was. . ." I shrugged "he was one of my best friends. He is one of my best friends. Our relationship has only changed from a romantic stand-point, I can still do the things I used to do to him before we started dating."

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