69: Step 2

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The next full moon was tomorrow. I had to find a "crystal phial to capture the pure rays of the moon, dew from the centure domain, and chrysalis of a Death-head's hawkmoth."

Katie Bell was still in St. Mungo's Hospital with no prospect ofleaving, which meant that the promising Gryffindor team Harryhad been training so carefully since September was one Chasershort, I was happy about this but hoped Katie would get better soon. Anyway, Harry kept putting off replacing Katie in the hope that shewould return, but their opening match against Slytherin was looming, and he finally had to accept that she would not be back in timeto play.

My last lesson of the day of the full moon was Potions. Slughorn had often boasted about how the many crystal phials on his desk had helped some well known animagi. At the end of the lesson, I put my sample on Slughorn's desk, returned his beaming smile. 

"Full marks, again, Ms Potter?" he said, his eyes twinkling.

"I hope so, Professor" I said, picking up one of the crystal phials on the desk and examining it with awe "these helped in animagi transformations, didn't they, Professor? How?"

"Oh, well" said Professor Slughorn, delighted "it takes time see, I don't know the exact procedure. But, you need a potion which can only be made in a crystal phial. See, my dear friend--"

I had slipped the phial into the pocket of my robes. Slughorn missed it, but the action did not go completely amiss. 

"Professor" called Zabini "did you give Potter permission to take that phial?"

"Eh?" said Slughorn looking shocked. 

I discreetly pointed my wand at Slughorn and thought 'confundus'

"Yes, you did professor" I said "don't you remember? You told me to research the difference in potion made directly in these and in the ones made in cauldrons."

"Ah, yes" said Slughorn vaguely "yes, I do recall. . .off you go then m'dear."

I flashed Zabini a wink, and made my way to the common room. When a rough hand grabbed my shoulder and turned my painfully around. 

"I know your lying Potter" spat Draco Malfoy, gripping my shoulder so hard that I thought it was  sure going to turn white "what are you, up too?"

"Nothing" I said, trying to get away from him "let me go, Malfoy!"

"Not until you tell me what your going to do!" he snarled "I am a prefect. And that may not mean anything to you--"

"Such powers" I said in animated shock "you read my mind."

"But this just might; if you don't tell me, then I'll announce to the whole school that we slept together."

I blushed despite myself, I saw a smirk flash across his face but brushed it off. 

"You do that" I said "then I'll tell everyone you've been branded with the Dark Mark."

Malfoy froze, but the pressure on my shoulder increased. I didn't believe that he was branded, but it was my best bargain.

"Is lying your hobby, Potter?" Malfoy snarled, his face inches away from mine  

"Says you. I only lie if I need too."

"Who the fuck do you think will believe you?"

"Um, anyone who doesn't like you" I said "so the majority of the school."


"Get the hell away from her, Malfoy!"

We both turned Zoe was running towards us. Malfoy pulled out his wand and pointed it at Zoe. 

Emma Potter; Going to WarWhere stories live. Discover now