108: Christmas Gone Wrong

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'Is everything alright?' I was asking Ginny on Christmas. I checked with her and Zoe every alternate days. 

'It could be worse' my hear dropped in my chest, but Ginny continued. 'The Burrow wasn't safe anymore, but Bill managed to get us out. I won't be able to come back.'

My eyes widened, I could hear Draco training children in the other room. 'I--Are you sure?'

'Yeah. . .I'm really sorry, Emma.'

'It's--It's fine. I'll talk to you dayafter.'

I broke the connection and put my head in my hands. Not only was Ginny a valuable member of the Army, having saved multiple children and rebelling against the Carrows, the Weaslys had made the Burrow my second home. Some place I knew I could go back to, if anything happened to them--

I closed my eyes,  and my mind completed the thought

If anything happened to them it'll be your fault. 

I let out a dry sob and it was that pathetic sound that jolted me out of depression. I didn't have time for this;  Christmas or not I had to check in with Zoe, there were more children to be saved and I couldn't stand around moping. I let my mind reach out to Zoe's.


I will never get used to that. If thoughts could have a tone of voice, Zoe's would be agitated.  

Tough, I thought, what's the update?

Generous greeting, Ems. I could almost hear her rolling her eyes. Pretty much the same honestly. Mum and Dad say the house isn't safe anymore because of their protests, so we're at Nick's house. 

I raised my eyebrows, I knew that Zoe and Nick hung out once or twice during previous summers, but not nearly as much as me and Harry did with the Weaslys, or Draco did with Nick. How did their parents know each other that well?

Zoe, is um--something going on? With you and Nick.

WHAT?! Zoe yelped, I yelped too because of the sudden noise bursting in my head. No, of course not! Why would you think that? He's annoying Nick, my best friend! The guy who I can't get rid of! Who is just a friend as you very well know now stop hounding me Emma! Besides there is a freaking war going on!

Zoe said this all in one breath--er--thought. 

Alright, alright just asking. I sighed. 

How are things there?

Honestly? I didn't know. Many kids were safe, and our rebellion was spreading and Army growing. But. . .it didn't seem enough. I couldn't even speak parseltongue, so I couldn't go down to the chamber of secrets to get a basilik fang. 

However- 'fine', was what I said to Zoe. I'll talk to you day after. 

I broke the connection and reach out to grasp Dumbledore's diary.  Some entries were a paragraph, some were pages. Some were useful. some were of no use to me in the future. 

12th November, 1980

There is a traitor among us. Of that I am certain, I must be wary. No one can be trusted, which brings me insane sadness. The kind which can kill a man. Who would want to betray the people who trusted them?

Nevertheless, the point being that James and Lily may not survive, they have left their most important gifts to their children in my care. The cloak, the necklace, and the letter. 

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