65: Feminism Vs Traditionlism

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It was the last friday of September. Also, the date of the match between Slytherin Girls and Boys. Harry wondered how his sister had felt the day of his first match. 

He watching her carefully for signs for nervousness, and signs that she was possibly remembering Malfoy. He was still sure Malfoy was branded by the dark mark and didn't want her anywhere near him. 

Their last lesson was Potions. Then people would leave for the match. Montague and Emma had made sure that this match was as important as a normal Quidditch match. Emma had told him that they had convinced the Ravenclaws to lend them their robes and charmed them to be green and silver.

"Oh, would you look at that Potter" Harry heard Zabini say to Emma at tge "you've gotten a red rose."

Harry turned sharply. Beside his sisters cauldron was a red rose, he stole a glance at Malfoy's whose face had the jealousy written all around it. With a smirk he turned to his own station and began packing up . 

"Oh" he heard his sister's say "well. . .that's very. . .sweet."

"Sweet?" laughed Zabini "Sweet? Potter, Daisies are sweet, Sunflowers are sweet, Venus Flytraps are sweet. But red roses means romance!"

"What about your love life, Zabini?" shot Emma "I've seen you look at that Hufflepuff. Quite pretty, isn't she? She's a muggle-born you know. Are you going to throw away all your pureblood ethics?"

Zabini shot her a cold look, "I wouldn't date a filthy mudblood like her no matter what she looked like.I have never heard something so offensive in my life, Potter."

"Oh come, come" said Emma, with a smirk following him to their common room "with physical features like yours, surely you must have."

Harry and Ron snorted. Emma's mouth had always been smart, and many times amusing. When they were kids, Harry used to joke she could be a stand up comedian. Zabini and Emma turned to look at them. Zabini shot them a look full of loathing and Emma flashed them a swift wink. 

"Who do you think is going to win?" he asked Ron and Hermione as they took their seats. 

"I mean. . .the boys have more training don't they?" asked Ron "I reckon. . ."

"Oh, I don't know" said Hermione "I was seeing their training yesterdays--the girls I mean-- and they looked quite good." then she smiled "excellent even. I reckon with their team, they might win."

Slowly, stands around them began to fill. And the match began.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the first match of the year" said a seventh year, Harry didn't recognise "this match is between Slytherin boys and girls and fight between feminism and traditionlism"

"From the boys side we have Montague, Beltchy, Crockett, Higgs, Crabbe, Goyle and Lafington"

The boys emerged from the left side of the field, welcomed by cheers and boos. 

"From the girls side we have Potter, Anderson, Greengrass, Griffins, Conifer, Weasly and Whitwell!"

Harry clapped along with the people sitting around him as the girls trooped out. It felt weird hearing "Potter" and not being down on the pitch. 

"Captains shake hands" said Madame Hooch.

Montague stepped forward, looking around confidently. The girls looked around uncertainly, or more specifically, Emma looked around uncertainly. Anderson and Ginny pushed her foreword. 

"But--" she began to protest.

"Go!" urged Ginny.

Emma and Montague shook hands. 

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