81: Retineo [Pt.2]

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MATURE {Slightly}



Draco froze. 

There was no way, no way in hell that Emma remembered him.  There had to be a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this. Maybe, she was just using it to taunt him. . .she had head him go off on Daphne for calling him that. Yes, that was it, that had to be it.

"Don't call me that, Potter" said Draco, who was trying to keep the panic out of his voice "you know I don't like that nick-"

"Yes, I know" said Emma, coolly " You told me that when I gave it to you. When was that, again?"

It was our first year, he yelled in his mind, it was the last night of the year and you had just promised to write over the summer.

However, what he said was "What do you mean, Potter?"

"Oh, will you stop it?" she snarled, her eyes were darkening, and a few strands of her hair were being pulled out for her ponytail and being swept across her.  To Draco, she looked twice as attractive. 

"We both know I've gotten my memories back" said Emma, impatiently straightening her skirt "why did you do it, Draco?"

His first name being uttered from her lips, brought back too many memories, and did things to him, no spell, charm, jinx, hex or potion in the world could do. 

"Nostalgia; it is the time when we were little creatures," his mother had told him " It's about us all, We grew up for the sake of education I hated school, I wished to enjoy every moment of childhood, There I met some tiny girls like me, Some were good, In fact, everyone was fantastic, Jealousy was out of syllabus, Time went by, We came to the age of puberty the time we couldn't decide between right and wrong."

"We made friends Sometimes I envy them for more marks Sometimes I love them for being an honest friend. school was a turning point, I wished I would take a job soon, I will move far away from here, but The actual life was waiting, strange people different faces, I learned the value of this life, There I met temporary people, Some became acquainted, Some are still strange, life inspires us in strange ways, miracles can happen anytime.

" We never realised until the real world recognises, Suddenly one fine day We shall have to leave everything behind, It's sad to miss such priceless moments we spent, In every aspect, we have to confront the strange world, the next part was much more difficult than I thought How would I sustain this? We are all alone here, We always will be, Do we meet people just to know them? Well, I don't think so Everyone we meet has something to give you never know when someone gets in your heart and you wouldn't even realise sometimes you leave them"

His mother's words described what he felt perfectly. But it was too late to hope for a miracle. Far too late, time had gone. 

He had to lie through his teeth , there was no other option. 

"I wanted to end it" he said, pointing his wand at the girl in front of him "I wanted to end it, that's all."

"So, 'it's over' didn't cut it?" scoffed Emma, drawing out her own wand. "Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

No,you're the smartest person I've ever met. He thought, your perfect.

"No, I don't" Draco said honestly "regardless the reason, your going to forget me again; Obliviate."

This time, however, she was ready for him. She deflected his spell with an almost lazy flick of her wand.  

"Obliviate!" Draco yelled again this time with desperation, she had to hate him, she had to forget him. . .

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