103: Animagus

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Zoe and Nicholas come bursting into the room of requirement, where me and Draco were making plans on defense stratergy. It was the end of the fifth day, and there would be daily reports from either members of the DA or SS. Also food, since we were kind of starving. I stood up immediately. 


Zoe shook her head, placing some bread, chicken and pumpkin juice in front of us. "They've sealed off all the secret passages. Apart from the one-eyed witch, they haven't found it yet. And they are saying that people who co-operate with them will be safe."

I sighed. '" I suspected as much.  What else?"

"They do more than teach," said Nicholas. "They're in charge of all discipline. They like punishment, the Carrows." 

 "Like Umbridge?" asked Draco

  "Nah, they make her look tame. The other teachers are all supposed to refer us to the Carrows if we do anything wrong. I don't think they will, though, if they can avoid it. You can tell they all hate them as much as we do. 

 "Amycus, the bloke, he teaches what used to be Defense Against the Dark Arts, except now it's just the Dark Arts. We're supposed to practice the Cruciatus Curse on people who've earned detentions —"  

"What?" me and Draco exclaimed. 

"Has anyone got detention yet?"

"I was about to," scowled Zoe. "Until blondie here--" she nudged Nicholas "--had to step in and save the day."

Despite Zoe's annoyance, I could sense the gratefulness in her. And the way Nicholas looked at her--almost lovingly. I'd figure it out once this was over.

"Thank you," sighed Draco. "Anderson, how stupid are you? Do you even know how much the Cruciatus curse hurts? It's called torture for a reason."

"What would you know about it?" asked Zoe, not rudely, more curious. "You've never experienced it have you?"

Draco's eyes darken, and his skin pales. His physical reactions give away enough. 

"When?" I whisper, lacing my fingers through his. 

"Doesn't matter." he mumbles, "what else, guys?"

"Alecto, Amycus's sister, teaches Muggle Studies, which is compulsory for everyone. We've all got to listen to her explain how Muggles are like animals, stupid and dirty, and how they drove wizards into hiding by being vicious toward them, and how the natural order is being reestablished." finished Nicholas. 

"Alright," I whispered. "Alright. Are you absolutely sure no one has got detention yet?"

Nicholas nodded, "one first year has. She started crying in the Great Hall when she got a letter from his dad saying her mum was nearly dead. The Carrows told her to shut up, but she didn't and she got detention. She's in the dungeons right now, I heard her crying."

"Right, that's our first order of business." I finalised. 

"Wha--save the kid?" asked Draco, "don't you have to find a Horocrux or something?"

"That's not the only thing I'm here to do," I explained. "I'm here to save Hogwarts."

"That sounds pretty Gryffindor-ish." shrugs Zoe. 

"Meaning?" I snapped. 

"Meaning, why would you risk your life to save someone you barely know?"

"I plan to do nothing to risk my life," I say, getting up and pulling out my invisibility cloak. "Some one else who supports the Carrows will but I will definitely not."

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