A Gift-Bonus Chapter

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OK, So. I really wanted to do a chapter dedicated to Draco and how he feels about Emma. When forming their relationship in my mind I thought of Draco basically adoring Emma and his mind constantly being stuck on her and the little things that accompany her. You already know that Emma loves Draco for Draco; accepting his flaws and strengths as they come. You've already known Emma, I want you to know more about Draco. 

This basically takes place while Draco is getting ready for the wedding and his mind flashes back. 



Draco fumbled with the ring in his pocket, hand curling over the soft velvet of the box inside his suit pocket. He stared up at the stars. 

12 years. 

Since he first stood on the tower, since he first met the love of his life, since his life changed for the better. 

5 years. 

Since he realized that there would only be one person who he would want to wake up next to, and love and cherish until his dying day. Since he understood the true meaning of love, since he felt true heartbreak. 

A week earlier he had invited Potter over for quite an awkward drink. They had gotten along as well as could be expected after the war. They were more frenemies than enemies now. But everyone knew that was as good as it would get. 

"So," Potter had begun, drumming his fingers over the table, "any particular reason you asked me to come have a drink, Malfoy?"

"Yes," he had replied, "obviously."

He had not taken a sip of his own drink, stomach churning to hard to even think about digestion.

Potter gave him a few moments before prompting him with a "well. . .?"

"Will you give me a bloody minute?"

Potter glared at him, not ideal given the solution but it slowly morphed into a smug smirk. "You're nervous aren't you?"

"I--" he stuttered "No, of course not."

"You stuttered," Potter observed with a grin, "this makes me feel a whole lot better, Malfoy. I will allow you to wallow in your nervousness."

"Shut up," Draco had said as Potter took a leisurely sip of his drink. "I--I want to marry Emma."

Potter choked. Draco rolled his eyes.

"You--You want to what?" Potter spluttered. 

"I want to marry her."

"You want to marry. . .Emma?"


"Huh," Potter nodded, chugging his drink down in one go. 

Draco scowled, "I am not here--"

"Just to clarify," Potter interrupted, "when you say Emma. . .you mean your mistress right?"

Draco's hand lunged in his pocket to retrieve his wand, Potter was just as quick. Then both of them realised they were in a muggle bar. 

"No," Draco growled, "when I say Emma, I do not mean my non-existent mistress, I mean my girlfriend."

"So--that would be. . .my sister."

"Yes, Potter. Keep up for Salazar's sake."

Potter waved a waiter over. "Oh God, I need another drink."

"Oh for fucks sake, Potter," Draco snarled, "I love your sister alright? And since she is not your property, I am not asking for your permission to marry her. I will propose whether you like it or not and she can say yes or no. The only reason I am even telling you beforehand is because Emma cares for you for some weird reason and would want you to be happy for her. This way at least you can pretend."

Emma Potter; Going to WarWhere stories live. Discover now