Chapter 28: Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever)

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*Warning: Mention of  Virginity and Sex*

You grunted on the floor, couching blood. You hold your left cheek as a jolt of pain rush through your face. You could hear Meta Knight's concerning voice saying if you were alright. Your rage filled you up, and you quickly got on your feet like you weren't even on the floor to begin with.  You lunge at Ms. Tarn, who was on the desk beside your own, but Meta Knight's strong arms were around your waist prevented you from attacking her. 

"You fucking bitch" You barked. "You deserve a life sentence!" 

Things escalated fast. The Court Hearing lasted for 3 hours straight. By the hour, things were getting intense. When the jury found Ms. Val Tarn guilty, The King faced you. With a smile on his face, he sentenced her to 30 years of imprisonment, stripped her role as President of Dream Royal Administration, and won't be allowed to work in any educational system. Something clicked inside Val Tarn, which caused her to lunge at you and gave you a good hard punch across the face, making you bleed from the mouth. The Court went crazy from the sudden violence. 

"You ruin Dream Royal! Where are the teachers going to work!? Where are the students going to learn!?" She shouted at the top of her lungs as she was being dragged and escorted out by Chief Bookem. 

"At least they are not fucking each other anymore!" You protested. Meta Knight escorted you out as well from the courtroom.

"(Y/n) calm your emotions," He growled at your ear. He turns you around and examines your injured cheek. Small amounts of blood were oozing out of your nose now. Meta Knight pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and softly cleaned your bloody nose and mouth. You moan in pain by the contact of his handkerchief. 

"Your cheek is going to get a nasty bruise if we don't put some ice on it right away to calm the swelling. Come, love. I'll take you to my room to treat you furthermore." Meta Knight pressed. Your cheek flush red; you could never really stop blushing whenever Meta Knight gives you sweet nicknames.

"B-But what about the Court Hearing?"

"It's over. You have done your part now, my love. Now follow me." He held your hand and slightly pulled you to follow him. You sighed happily and complied. 

Once you both arrived at Meta Knight's room, he sat you down on his couch and proceeded to tend to your cheek with an ice pack. 

"Meta Knight, what will happen to the students and teachers at Dream Royal?" You asked in a soft voice. Meta Knight didn't answer you right away, figuring out a good answer for you, but he had none. He did not know what will happen to Dream Royal and the people that were associated with it. He barely got lucky with the law, thanks to you. He underestimated how you handle this situation that he himself had difficulty solving. Not only were you able to put Ms. Tarn and the teachers that had intercourse with minors behind bars, but you also manage to handle and understand a traitorous ninja by yourself. He thought you could do anything single handily if you wanted to, even making him fall in love. That quality is one of the reasons why he fell for you so much. 

"I don't know." He muttered under his breath. You let out a sad grunt. That answer didn't satisfy you at all.

"Meta Knight... are you... are you mad at me?" You stammered. Meta Knight took off the ice pack on your injured cheek and placed his hand on the uninjured cheek. 

"Of course not, amor. I will never be mad at you for making a choice that was necessary to make. I am proud of you for thinking about what is morally right instead of thinking about what you or others think is necessarily right. That was Ms. Tarn's first mistake. You did nothing wrong (Y/n); remember that. But... if you keep on doubting yourself or if others say otherwise, then blame me for everything. It's the least I can do to help you in return." Meta Knight reassured, through soft caressing of his thumb on your cheek. You clenched your hands onto your pants, and you gritted your teeth. You shut your eyes tightly, and you looked down at yourself. 

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