Chapter 12: Falling Down

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Last Modified: 12/12/20

A day has passed since your little performance in the Fountain of Dreams. The school day was coming to a close, and you didn't get a single word out of Meta Knight. No dirty looks, no comments, no groans. He didn't even look your way. You smirked when you finally realize that you won the war, and now that you made your friends and him realize your roles, they won't bother you with school-related stuff anymore. You were so close to getting your freedom now. You stood up from your chair and was about to leave your 8th-period class until Meta Knight stopped you just about when you were exiting the classroom. You let out a hard grunt and turn to face him.

"What?!" You asked coldly

"I want to assign you something to boost your grade in my Spanish class. So, you can take part in the annual concert this year." He advises you, kindly. You looked at him weirdly and proceeded to walk back into the room.

"Why?!" You snap at him, not phased by his sudden kind gesture.

"I am a teacher, and I want all my students to be successful. Now, are you going to take it or not?" He asked, sitting behind his desk. You sighed. You stood before his desk with your arms crossed, waiting for the assignment. You saw him take out a book from his desk and handed it to you. The book was thick and was covered in blue and silver hues. It was old looking and appeared to look like a journal. The title said "War of Destiny" by an author named Marcelo. You hum to yourself and listen.

"In my English class, we read this book and studied its contexts. I was hoping you could read it, and I write an essay in Spanish about the main character and how you could relate to him. It is due next week." He assigned you. You looked at him questionably and raised a brow.

"That's it?"

"And read it carefully." He added. He started to work on some paper as you stood there. You scoff at him by his sudden gesture at you. You needed to know why he was doing this. You needed to know what he thought about you now that you showed him why you acted the way you did.

"So have you given up? You can't stop me from following my dreams. I won't allow you to crush them. So stop bugging me on this school bullshit, alright." You asked him. He didn't look at you and merely shrugged.

"Do the assignment, and you'll have your answers." He replied, without any emotion. You let out a disgusted sigh and left his classroom. Meta Knight lifted his head and stared at you, leaving his room. He hoped that the book would give you a change of mind, and if it doesn't, he is genuinely weary about your future in school.


You walked up to your new house. It was relatively small, but it was perfect for you and your parents. You opened the door and announced that you were home, nobody responded. This how it was most of the time. Alone and abandoned. Your parents worked during the day, so you could only see them at night when you were sleeping. You let out a soft sigh and took a seat at the dining table. You set the book down and huffed. You didn't want to read this book and write an essay; you instead spend your time hanging out with your new friends and explore the town. You whimper a bit. School treated you like a slave.

As you thought, you heard the phone ringing in the kitchen. You hastily stood up and answered it.

"Hello, (Y/N). This is your mother. I wanted to tell you that your father and I will be out of town for a few days. I did some grocery shopping beforehand, so make yourself something. We'll be back soon. Love you." She informed and quickly hung up. She didn't even let you speak. She didn't tell you if you were all right. You clenched your fist and tossed the phone away from you. Tears started to form in your eyes. You sat down again, quickly wiped your tears away. You hated crying. Crying away, your feelings aren't going to solve anything until you face them head-on. You hated moping around and expecting someone who will come along and magically solve all your problems. It was pointless. If something is wrong with you, you right away addressed it. Why wait if you can solve your questions right away by talking to people. You never let your feelings go unnoticed or hidden.

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