Chapter 2: Defector

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Last Modified 12/8/20

Cathy had finished your tour of the school, and you were surprised by how much it has for only being a two leveled building. There was a gym, an auditorium with balconies, a swimming pool, a music room/recording studio, a library, a large lunchroom, a courtyard, and your favorite one, a garden.

The garden was huge with different types of flowers and fruits, growing around a beautiful fountain of a white angel statue playing the harp as a white path lead up to it. There was a couple of blossom trees randomly located around the garden as well. It was the most beautiful thing you ever saw. You knew you'd be spending most of your time there. It will be your second home.

"I can tell you really enjoyed the garden (Y/N)." Cathy acknowledges, giving you a smug look. You were both walking down the hallways of the school. You didn't make eye contact with her and made an indifferent look.

"Pfsh, who wouldn't. It a lovely place, especially if you want to take your mind off of this hellhole." You expressed without any emotion.

"That true. Well, you better head on to your second-period class. The bell is about to ring." She said, looking at her wristwatch.

"Thanks for the tour, Cathy. See you around." You thanked her as you begin to walk to your next class. "Have a wonderful day, Ms. (L/n)." She teased, waving you goodbye. You chuckled, waving her back. You pull out your schedule to see what class you had next.

Per #  Rm. #   Title            Mentor

01       A012   Calculus     Mr. Dave Lumbez

02       A025   Physics       Ms. Alice Favela

03       B021  English V    Sir Meta Knight

04        2W      Lunch             ---

05       B005   Spanish II         Sir Meta Knight

06      A009   Art Appreciation   Mr. Daniel Estep

07     B009   Public Speaking    Ms. Lucy Roma

08     B018   World History        Sir Meta Knight

You instantly froze when you saw that you have that Meta Knight teacher for three whole periods. This school really wants to break you so badly that they decided to stick you to the same teacher for three periods. There is no doubt in your mind that you'll grow an abnormal amount of hatred and grudge with this Meta Knight person. You really hope that his guy sucks at his job and only said he could break students to keep his job. You knew that wasn't the case at all, but you still hope. You imagine that this Meta Knight teacher was an ugly older man with a receding hairline. If that was the case, you'll tease and make fun of him until the end of the school year. You really hope you flank to get his class again, so you can torment the guy and break him instead. You laugh at your wicked plan.

"Yup, that's what I'll do." You declared.


You've gotten early to your second-period class, which was physics. You felt very weird being early for whatever school-related stuff, but consider this was your first day of school; you wanted to give your teachers your first impression.

You make your way towards an empty desk by the windows. The scenery was amazing. You could see the town in the distance with the blue bright skies above it and the sun shining brightly. It was gorgeous. You sighed, putting your hand under your chin, continuing to stare at the scenery.

"Ms. (L/n)?" You heard a female voice calling you. You groan frustratedly for being interrupted from your state of peace.

"What?!" You spat out. You turn your head where the voice was coming from, still having your hand under your chin. You realized that the teacher was calling you, giving you an unpleasant look from your disrespectful response. She was wearing a white dress shirt with a blue tie and a silver pencil skirt. She had brown hair in a ponytail and wore a large amount of makeup, which to you, she was trying to cover her wrinkles. She also was wearing black rectangular glasses. This teacher was Ms. Alice Favela.

"If you are being called, Ms. (L/n). You answer with a yes or pardon. Do you understand?" She advised you in an irritated voice. You felt many eyes were glued onto you. You turn to look at the class, all staring at you in shock from your response. You grinned, clearing your throat.

"If you are trying to cover your wrinkles, Ms. Favela. You should consider plastic surgery or some high-quality makeup. Because wearing a lot of makeup makes you look like a clown. Do you understand?" You insulted her with a sass. She gasped in disbelief. You could have sworn you heard laughing and someone saying "Damn" from the class, but most of them were shocked just as much as her.

"Why, Ms.(L/n)! It's your first day here, and you're already causing trouble! Go outside and wait there until I come and speak to you!" She shouted, pointing at the door.

"Fine, but by the time you come and speak to me, your face will be even more wrinkly lookin' than it is right now." You insulted her again but with an irritated voice. You heard Ms. Favela mumbling angrily at you while you got up and walked towards the door, slamming it closed. Lucky, you didn't bring anything with you: no bookbag, no pencil, no paper, just your phone. So you didn't need to worry about losing anything if you thought about ditching. You stood outside the hallways looking around, trying not to get bored.

"Maybe I should dip. I really don't want to be lectured about being a good student and following the rules. I'm really getting sick and tired of hearing that crap over and over again. Besides, it's not like I was going to do work or listen to the dump lectures." You said to yourself. Your thoughts quickly drop when you heard voices coming behind you. You turn around to see a man and Cathy talking together as they walk. The man had long blue flowing hair and beautiful yellow eyes. He wore a silver mask covering the upper half of his face and wore blue, silver, and yellow clothing/armor. He also had a purple cape flowing wonderfully right behind him as he walked. You thought for a second that the man was strange to be dressing up like some knight or something. You took a good look at the man again and realized he was very attractive even with his mask covering his upper face. It made you blush at the sight of him.

"Sweet Satan, this guy is hot as hell. I wonder if he works here. He doesn't look like he works here. If he does work here, I should totally make a good first impression on him." You thought to yourself, cheeks getting redder. You never were the type of person to hit on guys or being in a relationship. To be honest with yourself, you never even had a relationship before. You never gave love any thought because nobody made you feel a certain way. But something about this man begun to made you wonder.  

"Do I want to be in a relationship with someone? Do I want to be in love with someone?"  Your thought quickly drops when you saw Cathy placed her hand on his shoulder, lovely.

"Damnnit, Cathy. You got to him first... Oh well, at least it made me something to think about." You said to yourself again. Without realizing it, the two passed you and continue to walk in the halls. You sighed disappointedly.

"And there goes the happy couple." You said sadly. 

Your parents always encourage you to find love because it's probably the most important and powerful thing about living. You always ignore them about the subject of love. But now that you think about it more and saw how your heart leaped for this attractive man.  If you did began a relationship with someone, you want it to last a lifetime. You wanted to be with someone just like you, strong, brave, smart, and most of all, mysterious. The more mysterious they are, the better personal bonds are formed. If you did have a special someone like that in your life, you are willing to give anything up to be with that person, even your own freedom. Your parents were right, and you couldn't agree anymore now.

But right now, this isn't the time to be falling in love. You have all the time in the world to do so. Right now, your mission is to get school out of your life. You smile lightly at your final decision until your thoughts were interrupted by a door crackling opening, and out came Ms. Favela.

"Now listen here, young lady!" She said angrily.

"Here it goes." You moan to yourself.

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