Final Chapter: I Belong to You (+Mon Coeur S'Ouvre a Ta Voix)

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***Warning: Smut (At the end)***

You pant quietly on your seat.

"Why am I not surprised you would come late to your graduation ceremony (Y/n)." Emma laughed next to you.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I am a proud functional member of society, and I appreciate it if you use all your senses before rendering judgment upon me." You assured confidently.

"What the fuck are you going on about, stupid." Kane retorted.

"Shut up. The ceremony is about to begin." Emma shushed them. As the curtains began to open, you instantly fell asleep through the announcements and speeches because of your late-night date with Meta Knight. Hours went by, and Emma had to wake you up once the teachers handed out the diplomas. Once your name was called, you walked on stage, shook the hands of some teacher, and got your diploma from the Principle, which turned out to be Escargoon.

"Eh, I had a yo mama fight with the Principle." You chuckled to yourself.

You were seated again once you got your diploma, and a female valedictorian made her speech. She thanked Meta Knight for helping her throughout her high school experience and talked about the future. You didn't care so much about it, and you weren't exactly paying attention throughout the ceremony. You just wanted things to be over and done.

At the very end of the ceremony, Meta Knight finally made his speech.

"Hello, everyone. I am proud of every student here today for achieving your goals. Not only do you complete your academic years with flying colors, but you are also finally making a big step in your lives." Meta Knight announced. "Your times in high school will determine your future from now on. If you made a slight change or a big impact on your lives, it defines you now. People give me credit for making that change or impact on their lives, but my words and wisdom can only work if you put value into them, making them into actions. So, thank you for making me have a purpose in Dream Royal."

People in the auditorium erupted with applause and cheers.

"This school year was scandalous and shameful... Recently we found out that our President of Dream Royal Administration was doing nefarious things to maintain the status quo in Dream Royal, and you may be all wondering what's the future to our beloved school." There was a deafening silence within the crowd as those words left his lips. You smirk to yourself, already knowing the answer before anyone in the school knew. "As the new President of Dream Royal Administrator, I vow to make things right again and continue to lead Dream Royal as the most renowned school on the galaxy."

The audience went crazy as Meta Knight revealed his new position in the school.

"Oh hell yeah! Sir Meta Knight is pulling through once again!" Kane cheered.

"Yes, Yes. Thank you. I am thankful to get this new position to better Dream Royal. It will be difficult at first, but I am sure the payoff will be utterly satisfying," Meta Knight continues his speech. "Now that's out of the way, I would like to pay closer attention to the students that excel in their academics years and have proven time and time again that they are more than they are capable of; I give you the Dream Royal's I.E., students." Meta Knight called.

A handful of students with different color gowns stood up from their seats and made their way to the stage.

"Who are they?" You whisper to Emma.

"The Intergalactic Excelment. It's a program where only the top students from all over the galaxy can apply. Those who get accepted are seen as the best in the entire Universe. They are also known as Sir Meta Knight's top tier students since he is the one teaching them throughout the school year." Emma explained.

Grade A Student (Teacher!Meta Knight X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now