Ask Meta Knight #1

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Those who didn't get your questions answered. Don't worry I am working on it because they need more detailed answers.

 Don't worry I am working on it because they need more detailed answers

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~Whose to say that I lost it

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~Whose to say that I lost it. 

~That sounded sad but true. 

~So what if they are! Tiff and Tuff have been criticizing me that I am not very expressive

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~So what if they are! Tiff and Tuff have been criticizing me that I am not very expressive. 

~So...., I drew eyebrows on my mask. 

~Even though my eyes changing color is good enough. 

~My embarrassing moments

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~My embarrassing moments...

~Oh! I'm glad you ask Sirena, my dear! My favorite songs are Beethoven's Virus and Legend of Steel by Luca Turilli

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~Oh! I'm glad you ask Sirena, my dear! My favorite songs are Beethoven's Virus and Legend of Steel by Luca Turilli. Highly recommend giving them a listen, my sweet!. 

Grade A Student (Teacher!Meta Knight X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now