Chapter 10: Undisclosed Desires

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Last Modified 12/10/20

You waited patiently outside by a restaurant that was called Kawasaki's. You were waiting for Kane and Emma to hang out with for the entire Sunday. As you waited, you thought about how it was such a coincidence that Meta Knight's "friends" wanted to befriend you so easily without judging you so quickly like him. You must have thought that Meta Knight must have asked them to be friends with you to find out your weak spot, so you both be even. You thought that was a slimy thing to do, which made you smile a bit. He is really into you if he is so desperate to make you a good student. But as much as he tries to make you one, you won't give in so easily. You are strong enough to take down anyone properly.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" A female voice yelled next to your ear. You let out a small scream as you jumped from the loud voice. You turn around to see Kane and Emma.

"Don't fucking do that! You almost gave me a freaking heart attack!" You scolded Emma. She begins to laughs putting her arms around your shoulder.

"Relax, girl. I'm only messing with you." She grinned. You groan at her joking demeanor.

"Well then, (Y/n). Since you are new to Cappytown, we both decided to treat you to our favorite restaurant, Kawasaki's." Kane implied.

"Wow. Thanks, guys." You said happily. Both Emma and Kane looked at each other, giggling to themselves. You took notice and gave them a questionable look. Kane opens the doors of the restaurant to allow you and Emma to go in. Emma pushed you lightly to enter first. You did as you walked inside the restaurant.


You ran out back outside from Kawasaki's and started to throw up by a lamppost next to the restaurant. Emma and Kane came running out, laughing and giggling.

"S-Screw you... guys!" You gag. You put a hand on the lamp post while the other was over your stomach as you continue to vomit the food you ate. A man wearing a chef's attire came out as well and frowned.

"Well, it could've gotten much worse." He sobs lightly; fake tears ran his cheeks. Kane turned to him and smiled.

"Nah, Chef Kawasaki. You did well." He patted him on his back. The Chef smiled as he walks back into his restaurant confidently.

"Screw that! It's the most disgusting food I have ever tasted!" You denied. Emma walked up to you, laughing.

"Welcome to Cappytown, (Y/n)" She smiled, patting your head. You groan, looking away from her. Your eyes wander off to the lamppost that had a poster on it. You took it off the lamp post and studied the contents. It was a concert that Dream Royal was hosting.

"The annual Dream Royal concert?" You read out loud. Kane and Emma got closer to you. They took a look at the poster that you held.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Dream Royal hosts a concert every year. But you have to have passing grades for all of your class to be able to perform at the concert." Kane explained. You hum to yourself, tightly holding on to the poster.

"It says here it's a month away." You hum again. Both Kane and Emma looked at you, knowing already what you were thinking.

"Do you even play an instrument or even sing?" Emma questioned your idea.

"I have some undisclosed desires that I want to share with the world. Singing is one of them." You responded happily.

"Okay, then. But you have to have a passing grade, which is a C in all your classes. And I know for a fact you don't have." Kane challenged. You smirked as you toss the poster up in the air.

"Pft, you let me worry about that." You laugh wickedly. Kane and Emma looked at you like you were crazy. You begin to walk away from them.

"Come on, my fellow delinquents! Let's get this show on the road!" You announced to them. Both of them shrugged their shoulders, giggling, and followed right behind you.


Monday came by, and you decided to come early to school. You wanted to perform at the concert to put the school in its place when dealing with people like you. You wanted to let them know you aren't to be messed with. So, you decided to be a good little girl and behave so that you were allowed to perform. Once that is over and done with, you could go back to your usual self and follow through with your plan. Torment Meta Knight until you either drop out or graduate.

You got to meet your first period class teacher, Mr. Lumbez, for the first time because you always came late to school. He was earnest and scolded you for not showing up to his class. You wanted to talk back to him so badly, but you nodded and did as he said for the time being. Your second-period teacher, Ms. Favela, was surprised that you were quiet and doing your work. She smiled at you as she saw some hope in you. You felt accepted by the way she smiled at you. If only people who give you a chance to speak out what's in your heart would understand why you acted the way you do. But they will never let you speak. They will never let you make your own choices.

The third period came along, and once again, you enter the class very early that not a single person was inside yet. You entered Meta Knight's class casually. You saw him on his deck, looking over some papers.

"Good morning, teach." You greeted him as you took a seat at the front of the classroom.

"Good morning, Ms..." Meta Knight greeted back but tailed his words once he saw you sitting in his class early.

"W-What...What are you doing here so early?" He questioned in complete shock by your sudden appearance.

"What do you mean, what am I doing here? I'm here to learn." You responded casually. Meta Knight gave you a dumbfounded look. He didn't know what to say. You took notice of his shocked expression and laugh.

"Caught you, didn't I? Like I said before, teach. You don't know me. Maybe if you acted like your friends: Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby, you would have known my motives, but you don't. I'm guessing you were the one who sent them to know why I act the way I do." You revealed to him. Meta Knight froze in place.

"H-How could she have known that?" He thought.

"But... I trust them enough not to spill the beans. But to be honest, I don't care if they told you or not. It just proves my theory that teachers don't care about their students." Meta Knight signs at your smart mouth; he didn't want to hear you talk if he doesn't have anything to defend himself. You smiled as you knew Meta Knight had nothing to say.

"Anyways, don't get used to this good student side of me. I'm only doing this for a month so that I can perform at the concert. And no, I won't sing "Rose of May." I'm not that cruel to you, teach." You said calmly in a somber tone. You put a hand over your chin and looked away from him, staring at the windows' view. Staring at the beautiful landscape made you forget your worries and made you feel incomplete lost of yourself. Meta Knight noticed your sudden calm demeanor and stared at you, still having the same dumbfounded expressions.

"We don't want another panic attack now, do we? But... to be honest with you, I was kinda worried for you, but it's a good thing I've been known to handle tough situations like that..." You tailed off as your mind was pop into reality and realize who you were talking to.

"Forget what I said." You growled. You look down at your desk, coldly. After you said that, students started to enter the classroom. Meta Knight gave you a concerning yet shocked look. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. You were worried about him. He was too shocked by your words and appearance today. Maybe you were right; he was quick to judge your character. That he had nothing to say to you, he has to change his approach now. There was only one thing to found out to confirm you were telling the truth. He must befriend you himself.

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