Chapter 27: Revolt

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Last Modified: 1/17/21

You woke up early in the morning to head to school. You decided to give Tiff and Tuff the binder to resolve this situation as quickly as possible during the school day. You breeze through all your classes like nothing until you're 3rd-period class came with Meta Knight, and he seems to be not so, please. Once the class was over, he called you to stay behind.

"This is the second time you are absent all day, Ms. (L/n)? I know this in the last week of school, but that doesn't give you any permission to not be present at school." He scolded you.

"Oh..., I-I am sorry, Sir. But I had a perfect reason for not coming to school. And I think that tomorrow I might not come." You muttered under your breath.

"I don't understand where do you even go during school hours, Ms. (L/n). Some people claimed they have seen you sneaking about in Babagahara for God knows how many hours daily. " He groans as he places a hand over his mask.

This response clicks something in you. Not only he knew where you were headed, but he knew you were going there every day. You knew that you would have to tell him about Yamikage eventually, but you didn't think you would do that now.

"(L/n), you may not know this, but that forest is dangerous. Once someone goes in, they are easily lost. So, I must warn you not to go back in there." Meta Knight cautioned.

"Meta Knight, that is not the reason why I keep going back into those forests."

"Then what is?"

You paused for a second to rethink your decision to tell him.

"I... I wish I could tell you, Sir. But..., I am scared that whatever I am hiding in the forest, you might take it away from me. That little secret is important to me, and I wouldn't be here without it." You confessed. Though it wasn't a full confession; it was a confession nonetheless.

Meta Knight hum worryingly. He did not know what you were hinting at, but he wanted you to be honest with him. To trust in him that he won't tarnish whatever is happening in your life.

"I understand it's difficult to tell secrets, but I can assure you that I don't have the right to take away something that means that much to you. Even if I disagree with it." Meta Knight reassures you. You still couldn't help but be wary of what he'll do or say to you if you told him about Yamikage, but you had to tell him now or never.

"Meta Knight... When you left for The G.S.A. and... told me that you were going to die..."

"I never said I was going to die, Ms. (L/n). All I said that this mission would be my last. And this will be the last of my lectures; meaning I will not be doing any more missions for the G.S.A, and I already taught you everything you needed to know morally." Meta Knight clarified. You gritted your teeth in anger. You never called him out about this the first time because you were so caught up in the moment that he was alive, and he loved you. Him not being more forward with you almost costed your life because you took him litterly.

"The way you said your farewell to me made it seem you were going to die, Meta Knight! I didn't know who you are or what type of person you become because you were a coward to tell me anything about yourself! I had to know them the hard way... by experiencing them. I didn't mean to hurt you when you had the panic attack, and I didn't mean to bring up Nightmare or things from your past. I did not want to hurt you and relive your past like that, but you were sure as hell willing to hurt me..." You shouted at first, but your voice became soft midway into your rant.

Meta Knight let out a soft gasp at your last sentence. He didn't know why you could come up with that conclusion, but it hurt him very much.

"W-What I've never-"

Grade A Student (Teacher!Meta Knight X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now