Chapter 14: Get Up And Fight

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Last Modified: 12/14/20

The day of the concert is here, and you have not decided on what song to sing. You were thinking about it all day, and still, nothing came up in your mind. During your lunch break, you met up with Kane and Emma and filled them in about your discussion with Meta Knight. After being alone for the last couple of days, you needed some moral support.

"So, technically, you gave up?" Kane was bewildered as he sat across from you and Emma at the lunch table. 

"Well... yeah, but I am still going to try to reach my goals. I just don't know how to now. It's... It's complicated." You try to explain it.

"Well, you did something right because you aren't wearing the schools' uniform," Emma smirked.

"Probably." You shrug your shoulders, unsure if that's a good or bad thing. You looked down, uncertain about what to do. Emma and Kane noticed, and to them, you appeared sad. Emma puts a hand on your back, which got your attention.

"Don't worry about it too much (Y/n) whenever problems you have with Sir Meta Knight, don't make it your top priority because you'll end up submitting to him. Just worry about yourself, and everything will go your way." Emma smirked again. She turned her head to face Kane and signal her eyes to you. He let out a big sigh and cleared his throat. 

"I can't believe what I am saying, but whatever happens next with you and Sir Meta Knight, we got your back. We can't have our only and true delinquent to be completely consumed by this school." Kane added. 

"Thanks. I'll try not to think about him too much. Although I won't deny that he is pretty attractive to stop completely." You admitted as you blushed a bit. 

"Tell me about it." Emma sighed lovingly. Kane cleared his throat loudly and changed the subject quickly.  

"So, I heard you actually got a shot to perform the annual concert this year (Y/n). Have you decided on what song to sing?" Kane asked. 

"No, I haven't decided yet. I need to be inspired to sing." 

"Sing a song that is meaningful to you, (Y/n)," Emma recommended. 

"I don't know what song is meaningful for me right now." You whine, putting your head on the table. 

"How about we give you something meaningful by dipping out early and head to the beach," Kane recommends. You lifted your head and gave him a big smirk. 

"You sly dog. I didn't think you had it in ya. Alright then. Show me the way." You laughed. 

You know ditching for the rest of the day will have its consequences since Meta Knight saw you in his earlier classes. He didn't target you as he did before, but he didn't do anything to help you yet. You figure he was trying to figure it out for himself, and you were not rush to start.   

After so long of handling pressing situations, you have to stop and have fun for a chance. You and your friends ended up ditching your last period of classes to go to the beach and explore the shorelines. The ocean was so clear and blue that you couldn't help but take a swim. Emma and Kane soon joined you, splashing away at each other. Although the ocean was salty, it felt so refreshing and clean. The weather in Dreamland was so warm and cozy. If any, this was a perfect time to swim and enjoy the beaming rays of the bright sun. Soon after a while, Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby noticed you were at the beach and tagged along. All six of you started to play chicken fight. Tiff was with Emma, Tuff with Kane, and you had Kirby in your shoulder. You never had this much fun in your entire life. You never smiled so much that it almost left you in tears. You wished you could spend your entire life with your new friends. They were the only real thing that could make you happy and forget all your worries away. You wished that this moment can last forever. At that moment, you realized you needed freedom, yes, but what you needed the most was people you can count on. People that would be there no matter what. People that cared for you.   


The sun begins to set, and the concert was being set up in a small empty field. People began to appear and set up small camps around the field. Now that you were clear-headed, you were confident about which song to sing, but you needed to talk to someone before you sing. And that someone is Meta Knight. 

The concert began, and already there were a lot of people in the crowd. And beyond the crowd, you saw Tiff, Tuff, and Kirby sitting on a blanket with Meta Knight by their side. You quickly ran towards them to say your peace. 

"Hey, Sir Meta Knight!" You called to him. Meta Knight looked up to see you breathing heavily. 

"Ms. (L/n) what a pleasant surprise to see you. If only that can be said about your sudden disappearance in my other classes." Meta Knight scolded you indifferently. 

"Yeah... about that..." You laughed nervously as you scratch the back of your head. Meta Knight shook his head.

"That does not matter now. It appears you have more important matters to speak to me." Meta Knight continues with the conversation. 

"Yeah, I wanted to tell you that I am ready to learn." You said confidently. This response caught Meta Knight by surprise, but he didn't show it.

"Learn what exactly?" 

"I know what I want now, and I am ready to learn how to get it. You are the only person that can truly help me, and I am for once ready to accept anything you asked of me to reach my goals." You declared confidently. Meta Knight nodded at your response, satisfied with it. You didn't realize it, but his eyes turned a bright blue hue that matched his clothing attire. 

"That's good to hear. But like I said before, My guidance will not be enough to help you. You have to figure it out yourself." Meta Knight advised you again. You only nodded at his response and quickly ran back to the stage. Tiff stared down at Meta Knight very judgmentally. 

"Tell me, Meta Knight. You said The administrators ordered you to make (Y/n) a respectful and successful person to make Dream Royal a more reliable school. Are you only helping her out just because you have to, or is it because you wanted to?" Tiff questioned. Tuff and Kirby were taken aback by her sudden questioning. Meta Knight froze for a bit, but he remains cool. She made a good point, but he remains silent. 

"Is a knight going to help her or a teacher?" Tiff questioned again. Meta Knight took a moment to think about an answer. 

"We will find that out eventually."  Tiff took a deep sigh as she crossed her arms. She hated when Meta Knight doesn't give her a clear answer. But, she knew it got him thinking about it because he didn't respond quickly like he usually does. This whole situation between both of you got her on the edge of her seat. She only wishes you luck with your future and hopes you get what you wanted in the end. 

You took a big deep breath in and out as you looked beyond the crowd. The sunset was beautiful, with the mixer of red and orange blended to make a perfect shot. It was your golden hour, and you only had this moment to live. You grabbed the microphone and began to dance to the melody of the music. It was time to be free.

"What we have the only thing worth fighting for. And I, I won't let nothing keep us apart. Through these fallouts, there is a truth and pain, but through it all, you will always have my heart. I see a change on the horizon. Reasons to be frightened. I know that we can pull through. I am here to tell you. Get up and fight! Get up and fight! I can't do this thing without you. I'm lost in this without you. Get up and fight! We've gotta get up and fight! I can't handle this without you! Can't do it without you!"

You continue to sing as the crowd cheered. In the middle of the situation, you really hoped that you could live peacefully in Dreamland with your new family.  

"I can't survive without your love in my life. You've gotta get up and fight."

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