Chapter 3: Hysteria

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Last modified: 12/10/20

You quietly walked to your third-period class. Ms. Favela has given you a second chance to behave and be more responsible, but you knew you wouldn't do that, especially towards your next period teacher, Sir Meta Knight. You were very excited to meet him and decided if you were going to ruin his life or not. He may have claimed he tamed the other students that gave him trouble, but he will not tame you. 

You walked into your English class and realized that the teacher isn't present in the classroom since the late bell was about to ring any minute now. You took a seat on an empty desk in front of the class and waited patiently for class to start.

"Hey, you!" You heard a male voice calling you as he entered the classroom.

"You're the new girl, aren't you?" He asked. You stared at the boy's features; he had long red hair and black eyes. He was wearing the school's uniform but wasn't wearing his tie. You gave him a questionable look.

"Who wants to know?" You challenge him. He chuckles at your response.

"I like you already. Well, If you are new, that was pretty awesome how you roasted Ms. Favela during second period. You got her ass pretty good," He complimented you in a very upbeat way. You giggle to realized that some delinquents are still in this school, proving that this Meta Knight is all bark but no bite. "Well, someone had to do it if you're not going to." You sass him.

"I did; on my first day of school. Believe it or not, but I was trouble maker until Sir Meta Knight knocked me out of it, and now I'm just like any other lone student here." He sighed sadly. 

"Aww, poor baby. You couldn't handle a 100-year-old teacher on your first day. That's pretty sad." You teased. He crossed his arms and gave you a cautious look.

"You wait, new girl. Sir Meta Knight will make you one of us. Oh, by the way, my name is Kane Davis." You huffed at him for thinking you were going to give up easily but quickly sighed.

"(Y/n) (L/n)" You introduce yourself, but you were interrupted by a deep Spanish sounding male voice.

"Mr. Davis, please return to your seat." You heard the man said very scornfully. You couldn't see the male well since Kane was blocking your view of him.

"Y-Yes, sir." Kane stuttered, turning his head at him and back at you.

"See ya later." He whispered to you. You nodded and smiled. Kane quickly walked to his seat. You were able to see your teacher now, and your eyes widen when you saw him. He was the same man that was talking to Cathy in the hallways.

"N-No fucking way! That hottie from the halls is Sir Meta Knight! Un-fucking-believable! No teacher isn't supposed to be that attractive! God, this is a fucking nightmare! I was falling for my fucking enemy! Okay. Calm now (Y/n). Don't let his sexiness affect you. You have to be strong. Don't let him trap you with his good looks." You said to yourself as you took a deep breath in and out. You saw Meta Knight was behind his desk looking at some papers.

"It looks like we have a new student joining us today." Sir Meta Knight announced to the class.

"Ms. (L/n), will you stand up and introduce yourself." He continued, looking straight towards you. It made you blush a bit, but you quickly came to your senses and huff at him.

"What is this Kindergarten? We're here to learn English, not the student's lives." You groan at him. He said nothing and stared at you, irritated.

"Well, Ms. (L/n). Consider your attitude and your lack of knowledge and performance in school. I am inclined to believe you do belong in Kindergarten." He replied, without any emotion. You let out a little gasp as your face turns red.

"And if you are so eager to learn English, Ms. (L/n). I bet you don't even know the alphabet by looking at your transcript." Meta Knight provoked you, placing both hands on his desk. You stare at him in disbelief. You were so caught up in the moment that you couldn't find any words to say to him back. All you did was stared back at him. You could hear Kane gigging behind you. Meta Knight sighs and turns to the class.

"Well, then. If all is said and done, please take out your textbook and turn to Chapter 3." Meta Knight announced. He turned to the board to write the agenda. You sat there on your desk, looking at him angrily.

"This is just the beginning (Y/n). I will show no mercy to this asshole." You thought. The entire day, you didn't do anything in the class. All you did was give him death glares, which did not affect him. You felt that this was going to be a long school year.

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