Chapter 20: Falling Away With You

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Last Modified: 12/16/20

***The music is just some background music as you read. It's not part of the story.***

It has been a month and a half now. There was no sign of Meta Knight returning anytime soon, but your impression of Cappytown when you flipped out when you left, left the Cappies grieving. They had caught on to the fact that he indeed died. Some were crying hysterically while others kept their emotions hidden, even though you could see it all over their faces. You try to reassure them by saying there was no truth in your speaking and only said it in the heat of the moment. You even called yourself a liar to convince them even further. But they didn't believe you. They already knew you. They saw you as a sweet and honest person that wouldn't lie about something serious like that. And his delay of return proves otherwise. You haven't seen Tiff, Tuff, or Kirby after you ran away. They have locked themselves in the castle, and you couldn't see them without permission. Kane and Emma stopped talking to you, claiming you were the reason Meta Knight felt miserable and wanted to die.  

You made the whole town miserable, and they hated you. And yet you felt happy. You didn't care what they said about you because you knew the truth. You didn't care if Meta Knight was coming back late. You know that one day, he will return. You would be lying if you say you didn't miss him. You missed your arguments with him. You missed his wisdom. You missed his sweet and calming voice. You felt lonely without him. The town's somber tone was starting to take a tow on you, but you continue to have hope. Hope that you will be together again.

You return to the forest where you met the ninja, but there was no sign of him anywhere. He most likely left for good. You wanted him to tell you more about what he knew about Meta Knight, but the only way to learn more about it is actually to tell Meta Knight. You looked around in search of the ninja again, and you noticed a small piece of paper under a tree that you sat under when you were speaking with him. You bend down and look at the piece of paper.  

Dear, (Y/n) 

I write to you to inform you to never bring up our conversation to no one, especially towards Meta Knight. My name holds burden to anyone who knows it. Those who know me like I am right now are to be related to betrayal and heartache. I do not wish that upon you. Your sweet voice and your lack of fear towards me had led me to respect and trust you. Hopefully, in the future, we will meet again very soon. 

~Sincerely, Forest Ninja. 

You smiled happily as you read the note. You were excited to meet the ninja again, and this time you would know his name regardless of what it has in store for you. You made a mental promise that you won't tell anybody about your encounter with the ninja and would come to the forest regularly now. Not to just meet the ninja again, but to be your escapism as well because it was truly a beautiful forest. 

You got out of the forest and made your way into Cappytown. You were wearing your favorite color dress at that time. You walked into town with your hair all loose and barefoot. You hummed a melody as you skipped away happily. You could see the people staring and judging you by your demeanor. They were whispering away about how you didn't care about Meta Knight at all and that you hated him, but you merely song along, unphased of their judgment. You felt like you were a better person now. You changed a lot, and you didn't mind it at all. It was a Saturday today, and you plan on going fishing. Though the sun was setting and it began to rain a little, you still decided to go. 

With the same clothing on, you grabbed everything you needed to fish and went out. You sat at the fishing dock and swung your fishing rod into the water. You waited patiently to catch a bite, but as you waited, you started to think about what you did for the past month and a half. You went to school, and you were slacking off again. Your grade was the lowest it can be, all straight F's. You know you were going to get an ear full out of Meta Knight once he returned, but you'll deal with it once it comes. Instead, you wanted to enjoy the simple things in life right now. The first time in your life, you felt free because of it. You dropped your thoughts and started to focus more on your fishing. 

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