Chapter 25: Hate This & I Love You

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Last Modified: 12/18/20

"(Y/n)..., I-I have to... sleep with you." Meta Knight confessed with great shame. That's what you heard. You laugh at him at first, assuming it was a joke at first. But seeing his eyes turn a deep shade of grey and his voice full of shame, that was not the case. He was 100% serious. Your expression morphed into a very horrified one. He would never offer such a bold thing from you but at the same time. Was he that in love with you? Or was it all that he was after? Sex.


You waved goodbye to Rick and Yamikage. You headed towards civilization once again. Though the forest was magnificent and you would have loved to live there until your dying days. But someone was patiently waiting for you beyond the forest. Waiting for you to return into his embrace. The thought of it made your body erupt into an extreme eagerness of excitement. Since you couldn't actually go out on a date with Meta Knight, instead you decided to surprise him by popping up to his home and cook for him. You plan on cooking some fresh mild curry. 

On the way to his home, you stopped by at Tuggle's and bought all the necessary ingredients you needed to make curry. As Tuggle was checking out your ingredients, you saw Kirby and two floating creatures entering the shop. 

"Hi, Kirby!  Long time no see, huh? How was your day coming along?" You greeted him kindly.

"Poyo! Poyo!" He expressed excitedly. You laughed at his cute Poyo language. Your laughter soon drops once you saw the two creatures up close. One of them was blue, while the other was pink with a ribbon on its head. 

"Hello, there! You must be (Y/n)!" The blue one spoke first.  

"Tiff and Tuff mention you numerous times when they talk about school." The pink one finished. You cocked your head a little in bewilderment by how the creature knew you and your friends so well. 

"Oh, really?" you replied with a sass. The blue creature begins to giggle at your response and begins to say something that will make your face blush pure red. 

"Yes, even Meta Knight mentions you a lot!"

"More than Tiff and Tuff do!" The pink one added. Both creatures and Kirby began to giggle among themselves. All the while, you felt you wanted to recoil out the shame both creatures put upon you. 

"Hahaha, very funny, you two are. By the way, I didn't catch your names." You laughed nervously, trying to change the subject of Meta Knight. Both creatures stop and present themselves. The blue one was named Lololo, and the pink one was named Lalala. 

"It's nice to meet you two, but I better move along now. I have to go to the castle and cook someone some fine curry." You said, collecting your bagged ingredients that Tuggle placed them in. 

"We were about to go there too. Our caretaker, Lady Like, sent us to collect some things for our lunch today. We can escort you to the castle." Lalala suggested. 

"Consider you do need someone's authorization that lives in the castle to even enter now." Lololo finished her sentence. 

You completely forgot about that. You were so caught up in the fact that you wanted to visit and cook for Meta Knight that you completely forgot you needed permission to enter the castle. It was some luck; you ran into them before you headed over there. You agreed to wait for them outside of the shop until they were done shopping to go together. You waited patiently for the three misfits outside at the shop until you heard someone calling your name. You saw Kane and Emma walking up to you, holding ice cream in their hands. 

"Hey, girl. It's been forever since we saw ya. So, how did you think you did on Meta Knight's final exam?" Emma greeted you casually. You simply shrugged your shoulders as you did not want to talk about the final exam. 

Grade A Student (Teacher!Meta Knight X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now