Chapter 4

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My eyes followed Damien as he walked up the stairs. I inwardly sighed. I had no idea what he was thinking bringing someone here, let alone someone that could testify against us. A living witness to our crimes at the Diner. And why wouldn’t she want to testify against us? She knew what we did to those innocent kids. I’ve never agreed with the way Damien handled his business, but I never spoke against it either, making me just as guilty for killing those four kids, and many more others too. When Grandpa Romano declared all of his wealth as well as the gang in Damien’s name, never once did I object. Of course my Father was highly disappointed in me and so was my Mother, but I truly never wanted that title. I would be too miserable.

Being born into a gang is hard enough, but growing up and being expected to rule is another tragedy all on it’s own. I knew Damien would be a way better leader than I ever could be, and being the first born of three cousins, he would mature greatly. Besides, I just wasn’t that ruthless. I could never just kill someone without reason and being my cousin and friend, Damien understood that and he understood me and just for that I would lay down my life for him. I sighed again and decided to go upstairs.


I spun on my heel, my hair whipping my face.                                                                    “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you like that. Hi, I’m…”.                                                                                                                      “Tony” I finished his sentence.                                                                                                    “Yeah” He said eyeing at me curiously.                                                                                  “I paid attention while you guys were talking” I said honestly. There were a few silent moments before he spoke.                                                                                   “Look, I know you must have a trillion questions going on in your head. You’re probably really mad too”.                                                                                                                      “I do have questions. Where am I?” I asked while looking outside the windows but all I could see were trees.                                                                                                        “That, I can’t tell you” He said after scratching his head.                                                   “Why am I here?”.                                                                                                                 “I don’t know” Tony shook his head.                                                                                                “Who is Damien? He seems to be running things around here”. I said with a slight sigh.                                                                                                                         “Damien. Damien Romano?” He half-said half-asked as if the name should be ringing bells in my head. I shook my head.                                                               “Ever heard of quelli temuti?” Tony asked with a sigh.                                                              “The feared ones…” The blood drained from my face.                                                         “Oh, God…I’m going to die” I told myself.                                                                                  

The quelli temuti or also known as The Family was a generational gang, meaning their title of leader was always passed down to the next generation and have been around for maybe 8 generations or so. They owned many hotels, casinos, nightclubs and strip clubs. They were money lenders and ran drug operations as well. The only thing they weren’t into was human trafficking, so I guess I should consider myself lucky. They basically owned the town I grew up in. Everyone was afraid of them, that’s how the Romano gang become known as quelli temuti - those feared. No one dared to go to the cops and even if they did, the Romano’s were highly successful in their record of dirty cops.                                                                                                               

“Hey, no, no you won’t” Tony said, holding me by my shoulders. I shuddered at his touch and he immediately let me go. Even though Tony seemed less dangerous than the other men, I couldn’t blindly trust him.                                                                      “I know that things are bit messed up right now, but I honestly don’t think Damien wants to hurt you”.                                                                                                 “And I’ll make sure of that”.

The immense amount of honesty in Tony’s eyes were evident. Maybe he could be trusted. If I were to be brave enough and decided on escaping this mansion, I needed an ally. There is no way I could escape this place on my own. But that would have to wait, I needed to gain his trust and maybe one of the other guys too.                                                                                                                                                  “Damien sent Joaquin and Lars out to get you some clothes. They should be back real soon, so I suggest you take a shower in the meantime. A female servant will come in to deliver your clothes and help with hair or…whatever and then we’ll meet you downstairs for lunch, ok?”. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

When Tony left the room, I opened the door that led into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I washed my face and scrubbed away at whatever make up was still on my face. Then I slipped out of my tear stained and coffee spilt uniform leaving it in a pool at my feet. I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes as the warm water fell over me. When I was done I reached for a white towel and wrapped it firmly around my body. When I stepped out of the shower, I saw a figure leaning against the bathtub. My eyes widened the moment I realised that it was Damien.                                                                                         “You enjoyed that shower rather well” He said and slowly walked towards me. “Wh-what are you d-doing here?” I asked and tugged the towel down, but it was of no use. The towel didn’t even reach mid-thigh.                                                                 “Last I checked, the house belonged to me” He came even closer to me.                                                “I assume Tony told you my name before leaving your room” He said after staring for a while at my neck.                                                                                                         I frowned but nodded.                                                                                                    “Did…Did you tell him to come here and talk to me?” I asked and frowned. He laughed.                                                                                                                                        “No, I did not. Perhaps I should have though” He said and tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.                                                                                                                                          “I don’t like it when people don’t take my permission before using my belongings” He whispered in my ear and a cold shiver ran down my spine, tickling my moist skin. He took a step away from me.                                                                                                        “Mary is waiting for you in the bedroom, she’ll help you get dressed” And with that he left the room.

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