Chapter 9

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It was becoming increasingly difficult for me to control my breathing as we entered my room. Damien’s eyes never left my face while he carried me to my room, not even when he put me down on the bed and slowly ran his hands up my thighs. Oh, dear God. My breath hitched in my throat and I lowered my eyes. “Look at me” He whispered but I couldn’t bring myself to doing it. “Look at me” He repeated, his voice laced with demand. His leaned into me, placing his one leg between mine. His right hand slowly travelled from my lower back upwards, indirectly making my back arch. I opened my eyes and found his eyes on mine. Watching. “Aria…” His lips were now touching mine as he whispered my name. My name huskily rolled off his tongue as his lips caressed it. His right hand was now gripping onto my hair forcing my head to tilt backwards. I let out a breath I didn’t even realise I was keeping in. “Damien…don’t…”

I wanted to tell him to stop doing this to me and how he should leave the room but I couldn’t. His moist but warm lips were placing short kisses up my neck, moving me backwards onto the bed with each soft kiss. My body wriggled beneath his as I noticed that he was leaning in for a kiss. “Don’t deny me of you Aria, I need you” He said and bit down on my lip. “Ow!” I complained and frowned at him for biting so harshly. Damien laughed as if that was the reaction he was betting on. But shortly, his smile faltered and his eyes grew darker and then he placed his lips on mine. His tongue was forcing an entry to my mouth but I was too surprised to even move a muscle.

One of his fingers found the very centre of my being and began stroking it through the thin material of my swimsuit. Instinctively, a moan slipped out of my mouth and he used that to his advantage, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I argued with myself for letting him get this close to me, but failed and kissed him back. I moaned louder against his lips as the pressure of his finger on my clit suddenly increased. “That’s right baby, moan for me” He said and sucked the area where my neck and shoulder met. “Just like you did for Joaquin”.


When we came back from the meeting with Yokashi, the first thing that I did was go to her room and when I noticed that she wasn’t there I went to Joaquin’s room. The lounge and kitchen were next on my list. I was passing through the lounge when Tony caught my attention. “Is something wrong? You seem…disturbed”. “No. Nothing’s wrong. Is that all you wanted to know?” I asked slightly annoyed that Tony was wasting my time. “Uh, no. Dante messaged to say that he’d be landing soon, so I was thinking I should go and pick up Zia Camilla and take her with to the airport” (Aunt Camilla). Shit, I had forgotten about Dante. “Right, do that but take two cars, Maddox can drive the other. And tell Lars to stay and organise chicks and food, it’s been seven years since I’ve seen my cousin, a party should be thrown in celebration”

I went outside into the backyard and soon heard a squeal. My mind immediately went to Aria and the wildest of thoughts were rampaging through my head giving me a splitting headache. I decided to search out for her and it didn’t take me long to find her. And him. My eyes burned with jealousy as I took in the scene before me. Joaquin’s tanned hands were massaging the crap out of her shoulders and back, and to make matters worse she was enjoying every single movement his hands made. Her eyes were closed, her back arched, head rested comfortably in the nook of Joaquin’s shoulder, her lush lips parted. But when she moaned for him, that just did it for me. “Joaquin! Get your hands off her” My hands were tightly balled up in fists and I was already picturing a thousand of my favourite ways in which I could kill him. I could see that she was startled by the sudden outburst. “Chill dude, I was just helping her release some tension” Joaquin looked genuinely surprised at my behaviour. “Get. Away. From. Her” I insisted.

I would not feel any better unless he decided to walk away from her. Joaquin needed to understand that she wasn’t a plaything. And she wasn’t his. She was mine. A fragment of my conscience told me that she wasn’t mine, that she would never be, not willingly, but I pushed it away. “Leave us” I told him after he had gotten out of the water and went back to hand her a towel, which I quickly snatched from his hands. After he left, I watched Aria as her gaze followed Joaquin until he was out of sight. That will change soon. I will make sure her eyes only seek mine. I reached out for her hand and she surprisingly took it. But she was cold, way too cold for someone that just stepped out of warm waters. “You’re cold. Let me get you to your room”.  I was about to pick her up but she stopped me. “No, no you don’t need to…uh…pick me up”. “I want to” I said softly.

We were passing through the kitchen, heading for the stairs when a flirtatious whistle was heard from behind, which could have only belonged to Lars. I wanted to laugh when I saw how red Aria had gone in the face after hearing the sexual sounds Lars was making behind my back. The look on her face was priceless when she looked back at me and I smirked like any other guy would have done.

When I reached her room with her in my arms I didn’t for one second even, take my eyes off her. From the way her chest rose and fell so rapidly, I could tell that she was nervous, scared even. I contemplated whether that was the desired immediate feelings I wanted her to have towards me. And I must admit it did excite me. I’ve mostly had sex with prostitutes or strippers from my own clubs. Girls that would throw themselves at you and let you have your way with them for any amount of money. I’ve fucked too many girls that were too drunk to even realise what was happening. Sometimes I was excessively busy to get out and ended up finishing where Joaquin had started or maybe even joining in on his private parties which always had the best of strippers and pole dancers. Tony was the only one that didn’t join in unless it was just a lap dance or having a drink. He preferred having a meaningful relationship with a chick before he decided to fuck her. Or rather, make love to her, as he often corrected me.

But that wasn’t my style. I preferred it fast and rough. And as soon as I was done, I’d get rid of the women by sending them off to Joaquin’s room. He never said no for a fuck. It was a good system really. But something about having Aria here told me that things would change. Hell, I don’t even know why I took her in the first place, why she’s still here. And how I managed to keep my hungry dick from tunnelling any hole in her body was still a mystery to me. There was, however one thing that I was certain of; she was different. Different than any of the other women I’ve ever been with and that intrigued me further. She was innocent and pure and probably wouldn’t last if she were ever involved in a life like mine. I shouldn’t even be here in her room, placing her on her bed. I should just leave. But judging by the solid state of my dick, he was thinking of doing the complete opposite and I couldn’t blame him. Aria was just that beautiful.

“Look at me” I told her when I saw that she had lowered her eyes. She didn’t move. “Look at me” I insisted. Still no movement. I leaned into her, placing my leg between hers, letting my hand travel up her back. She arched her back in response and finally her eyes opened and locked onto mine. I knew if I didn’t do anything now, I would regret missing the opportunity. So, I kissed her softly and gently up her throat. My mind had already envisioned my hand tightly closing around her throat while I penetrated her tight pussy. “Don’t deny me of you Aria, I need you” I said and bit down on her bottom lip. “Ow!” She complained and I laughed at the expression she made at me. But shortly, my smile faltered and I leaned forward placing my lips on hers. I tried forcing an entry into her mouth but she wouldn’t budge. My dick was already throbbing with need and I wondered how she felt down there. Was she wet? Did I make her wet? Would she be hot and tight?

With my one hand I reached down her body, for her clit and began stroking it through the thin material of her swimsuit. She was definitely wet. Wet for me. A moan slipped out of her mouth and I used that to my advantage, pushing my tongue into her mouth. I waited for her lips to reciprocate my movements and she did. I applied more pressure on her clit and she moaned loudly against my lips. “That’s right baby, moan for me” I said and sucked the area where her neck and shoulder met. “Just like you did for Joaquin”. I must have triggered something in her, because as soon as I mentioned Joaquin’s name, her body went rigid for a split second and then she started trying to shove me off her. Her attempts were useless and I chuckled. “I’m way too strong for you, belezza” I said as I stroked her chin (beauty). She sighed and stilled beneath me. “Will you get off me? Please?” “We’re not done here” I grinned at her and then nipped at her chin. Moving back to her shoulders, I bit down hard on her skin and she whimpered in response. “Damien, please…”.

Just then, the door opened and Joaquin strode in. “Oh. So, this is why you didn’t want my hands all over her, you wanted her for yourself”. “Shut up Joaquin. And get out” I basically growled out. Since the intrusion, Aria was looking rather embarrassed. “Whatever. I just came to give this dress for Ari to wear so she could meet your lil cousin” he said and placed down a suit bag on the couch. “Oh, and Ari, don’t let him fuck you, he cums way too quick”. I reached for a pillow and aimed it at his head, but he quickly dodged it by leaving the room and closing the door behind him. “Where are you going?” I asked Aria who managed to slip out from underneath me. “To change” She answered with wide eyes, she then grabbed the suit bag Joaquin had brought and dashed behind the bathroom door before I could grab her.

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