Chapter 1

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“If those two couples don’t ask for the bill in five minutes, I’m gonna drag their asses outa here” I said while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.                                              It was a Saturday night, or Sunday morning rather and the only thing that was on my brain was sleep.                                                                                                                          I don’t usually do the 10pm-2am shift, but this month I was struggling with my half of the bills and could do with the extra cash.                                                      “I don’t know why you’re complaining, your shift ends at two and that’s like now, I still have to work right through till the breakfast shift ends” Bianca, the only other waitress for the night, besides me, complained.                                              

Bianca and I lived together in a tiny crappy apartment and split all the costs. She was beautiful. With those long legs of hers and her flamboyant attitude, it was easy for her to get a guy to sleep with her.                                                                                                                                             “Next time don’t have sex in the kitchen, then boss man wouldn’t have to punish you” I pointed out.                                                                                                            “You should thank your lucky stars he has a thing for your gran”.                                          “What? Ew. Seeing those two together really hurts my eyes” She replied and laughed heartily.                                                                                                                              “Shit! He’s coming” I whispered and we both continued wiping the ketchup bottles like two good little kids. 

“It’s amazing how there’s so much of work that still needs to be done yet the two of you decide on gossiping first, instead of getting the job done. And you, Aria, talk to Bianca, tell her to stop throwing herself at every staff member she sets her eyes on, by the end of the year this Diner will have had the highest number of staff leaving than any other business in this damned street!”.                                                                                                                                  “Uhh…Yes Mr Rousseau, I will speak to her”.                                                                                      “Good, now go to the storeroom and fetch the salt and black pepper, then fill up the shakers, after that you can leave”. I nodded then headed for the storeroom.
“Oh, Aria, you’re still here?”.

Someone said from behind me. I was standing on a few stacked up crates since whoever built storage cabinets in this place didn’t give a damn about short girls.                                                                                                                                                        “Oh, hey Josh” I said after quickly checking who it was. Josh, Bianca and I all started around the same time working at Rousseau’s. We all went to the same school and college and were some of the unlucky few that never got to leave this town.                                                                                                                                        “Mr Rousseau just wanted me to fill up the shakers then we can leave” I told him, since he was my ride home.                                                                                                         “Oh, yeah, sure. No problem, I’ll help so we can leave quicker. You look like you haven’t slept in days” He said, sounding a bit worried.                                                          “Yeah, I don’t know how you can do the late night shifts, it’s killing me. But I’ll manage with the last of these, you can head out to the car, I won’t be too long” I sighed.                                                                                                                                                                     “Cool then”.                                                                                                                                                   “Need help getting down?” He asked with a chuckle.                                                               “Nope. I’m all good” I replied while coming down with the salt and black pepper.                                                                                                                                              “All of the things are up too high” I mumbled on an eye roll and he laughed.                                

“So, uhm…Aria, I’ve got tickets to the drive-in for tomorrow night, and uhm…I was thinking if you are free, you could join me, I mean if you’d want to…go with me…” He was slightly shifting from the one foot to the next.                        “Oh, I think Simon’s got another slam poetry gig, but that shouldn’t end too late so I might still be able to make it. What’s playing?”.                                                                                                     “It’s…” Whatever Josh was about to say got cut off by a scream.                                              “That sounded like...”                                                                                                                     “Bianca. I’m sure she just saw a fly or something, you know how she is, but I should probably just go and check on her”.


“You think I care that the staff members are still in there?” I asked Tony, my right hand man. We were sitting at the far end of the parking lot, waiting for God knows what.                                                                                                                              “Well, we’ve waited till so long, might as well wait till they close up shop” Lars said while loading his gun.                                                                                                                                                  “You idiot! This is a 24hr Diner” I yelled and slapped him on the head.                           “Ow” He complained and rubbed at his head.                                                                                                                               “If you give the word we could go in right now, make everything bloody” Maddox said and gave a menacing smile while he drew his knives. Maddox was the best and strongest fighter I had in the gang. He lived to kill others and seeing him in action was a treat to the eyes.                                                                                                                                                   “All I’m saying is no one else gets to corner that hot waitress over there; I’ll take care of her. Shit. She already making me hard with her boobs popping out like that” Joaquin complained and stuck his hand in his pants.                                                                    “I just think we should wait a bit longer” Tony spoke up and gave Joaquin an annoyed glance.                                                                                                                                        “This isn’t a damn stake out, Tony. I’m here to get what’s mine” I said angrily and stepped out the car.                                                                                                      “Maddox, you coming?” I asked before slamming the door.                                                                                                            “Fuck yeah!”

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