Chapter 6

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“You pissed her off” Tony said and gave Joaquin an annoyed look.                                                 “I know and I didn’t mean to. I should probably go and apologise” He said and got up from his chair, taking a plate filled with snacks and a glass of juice with him. My eyes followed Joaquin up the stairs until he was out of sight and I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy.                                                                                       I should be the one up there, talking to her and reassuring her, feeding her even. I didn’t like the way she went about teasing Joaquin. She was already enough of a distraction with that flimsy clothes that she had on, I didn’t need to see what a tease she could be. It was already hard enough to control myself around her. Maybe I should just go up there and talk to her. Maybe I should…

“Damien? Boss?” Lars’s voice broke me from my thoughts.                                               “What?” I grunted.                                                                                                    “No…Uh…just that it’s time to leave and meet with Yokashi”.                                                     “I know what I need to do for the day, there’s no need for you to tell me”. “Sorry, Boss” he replied and I sighed heavily.                                                                                     “Tony, get the car ready, we’ll leave in five”


Sometimes Damien really surprised me. Sometimes he was all compassion, no ruthlessness or completely the other way around. Once he took a bullet to his arm trying to protect a two-year-old kid during crossfire. But maybe that was because that kid reminded him of Mia.                                                                               Mia Romano, cute little thing she was, and also happened to be Tony’s baby sis. She was only four when she passed. Took a gruesome hit to the head and no one was there to save her. The parents blamed Tony for not keeping an eye on her causing her to get kidnapped, along with her twin brother, by Vasily – one of the many enemies the family had made over the years. After a few hours a sobbing Miguel was returned home with his dead sister in a box. Tony’s parents never forgave him for that and barely spoke to him because they blamed him for what happened.

I looked up and realised that I was standing outside Aria’s room and frowned. Why was she here? Did Damien just bring her as his fuck toy? If so, I wouldn’t mind a piece of that.                                                                                                         But he never took a hostage home. Or if he ever planned on doing that, shouldn’t she be in the basement, gagged and tied up?                                                                       Gagged and tied up. The images of her tied to my bed post, her mouth stuffed, were as refreshing as a shard of ice slipping down one’s throat on a hot summers day.

I cleared my throat and knocked softly on the door and when there was no answer, I cautiously stepped inside. She was curled up on the one side of the bed, her back facing me.                                                                                                                                              “Hey, I came to apologise” I said softly and sat near her feet.                                                                                 “Go on then” She mumbled and I smiled.                                                                        “I’m sorry for getting you all worked up and making you annoyed”.                             “And?” She asked, sitting up and looking at me. I noticed that her eyes quickly flashed between the items in my hand.                                                                                                “And, for making you miss lunch. Which made me feel bad, so I brought it up with me” I said with a big smile and handed her the glass which she immediately started drinking from.                                                                                                       She raised her one eyebrow.                                                                                                                       “And?”.                                                                                                                                                     “And, you think I’m a really good looking guy?” I half said, half asked.                                  “These clothes, Joaquin” She pointed out and rolled her eyes.                                                   “Oh, right. Don’t worry you’ll be getting more cute little items later. I woke up especially early to do some online shopping for you and they should be delivered in like an hour or so”. She sighed heavily.                                                                 “I don’t care about cute, I just need something to cover me up” She said, rolling her eyes.                                                                                                                                                  “No, you don’t need cute, anything you’d wear would look great on you” I said speaking in a lower, deeper tone of voice that I knew all chicks loved and gave her my famous sexy grin.


After running all the way up the stairs to my room in heels, my feet were already feeling pressured, so I yanked them off and curled up on the bed. I was rather quite pissed that these boys took advantage of the fact that I would be forced to wear whatever was given to me. I mean, this thing screamed whore.

The moment I heard that it was Joaquin who had stepped into my room, I almost cried out with happiness that it wasn’t Damien, and then when I saw the glass of juice and snacks in his other hand, I wanted to dance with glee. But luckily I managed to control myself.                                                                                              I gave him one bored look when he said he had come to apologise, but thinking about it, he seemed sort of sweet. And he was quite handsome. With his long locks of hair, light blue eyes and cleft in his chin, he was rather easy on the eye. Not that I would make him aware of my thoughts.                                                            After conversing with him, he truly seemed like a genuine guy, using his looks and words to make chicks swoon, or to just put a smile on another’s face.

“No, you don’t need cute, anything you’d wear would look great on you” He said, and I couldn’t help but smile slightly.                                                                               “She smiles” He said playfully and I rolled my eyes at his remark. Then he became totally serious.                                                                                                         “Look, I know this might not be the ideal…living circumstances…”.                                                          “It isn’t at all, actually” I cut in, but he soon continued.                                                                  “But, you are relatively safe here. You don’t have to fear any of us. Ok…maybe Maddox...and Damien, when he’s in a very bad mood, but that hardly ever happens so no worries there. I mean, the rest of us are pretty tolerable. I might even dare to go further and say…fun” He grinned when I raised my eyebrow at him.                                                                                                                                              “I’m being serious, Aria. Our enemies won’t target you, and this might be hard to believe, but you might even be a lot safer on this estate, than in that run down diner you worked at. We’ve got 24hr surveillance and really tight security”. Joaquin stood up and walked towards the door. He turned around and looked me dead in the eye.                                                                                                                                    “No one comes in…and no one goes out”.

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