Chapter 11

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“Uh…no, I uh…actually need to go” I said and backed away from him. “Don’t leave me here, belleza” (beauty) I was planning to go back into the house, but his strong hand caught hold of my wrist.                                                                                     “Stay, keep me company” A devilish grin played on his pink lips.                                                                        “Dante, I see you’ve met Aria” I removed my hand from his before turning around to face Joaquin. “Yes, I did” He replied with a slanted head as he looked at me and smiled.                                                                                                                                  “She a special guest or something?” The tattooed guy or Dante rather, asked looking very intrigued.                                                                                                   “Something like that” Joaquin answered with a chuckle. “Well, Aria, nice meeting you, I’ll see you inside” And with another devilish grin he spun on his heel and disappeared into the house. “Thank you” I whispered in relief to Joaquin. “You’re welcome. Just try and stay as far away from him as you can” He said as his eyes followed Dante back into the house. “It’s not like I want him all over me, but why are you saying it like that?”. “Dante has a tendency for going after things that don’t belong to him. And you belong to Damien”. “I don’t belong to anyone” I scoffed out dramatically. “You belong to Damien Romano, Aria, the sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you to live in this house”


“Dante!! Come over here” I gestured over to him with the movement of my hand. He was coming from outside. “This is a great place you got here, cousin” He said with a happy smile on his face. “It’s ours, Dante, yours, mine and Tony’s. How did you like the backyard?” I asked and handed him a glass of whiskey. He turned his head to look back outside before turning back to face me.  “Beautiful” “Yeah, it’s great for parties. Talking about parties, this one is for you, so why don’t you let Angeline and Coco see to your needs” I said and handed him over to two of the clubs most popular strippers. “All these girls can’t certainly dance on me, Damien, Tony come and join in” I looked over at Tony who was shaking his head in disgust. “This isn’t Tony’s type of thing, but the others don’t even need an invitation, as you can see” I chuckled as I noticed Lars getting dry humped by a blonde on the kitchen counter and Maddox getting a lap dance near the bar. Dante laughed heartily “You can still join in, kinda heard that that’s your thing” “I already have my girl, I just need to find her” I answered him with a laugh. And that’s when my eyes found Aria hurrying through the mass of grinding couples, heading for the stairs.


The things that Joaquin had told me really had my mind reeling. I just needed to get away from all the noise and the people. Mostly the noise. Moans and the gasping of men’s names weren’t sounds that I was accustomed to. The thought of taking off my shoes seemed to soothe the already present numbness in my feet, but when I entered the house I was rather relieved that my skin wouldn’t come into contact with the expulsion of liquids from another’s body. I kept my head low and my steps quick as I managed to walk through the crowd to make it to the stairs.

I sighed in contentment went I closed the door behind me, blocking out the loud music and the voices of the guests. I walked into the bathroom and chucked the nude heels off my feet. After washing the slight stickiness between my toes, I dried them off with a white fluffy towel. As I made my way to the door of the bathroom I screwed up my eyes and I struggled to let my hair loose out of the tight bun that Mary had perched on top of my head. “Need some help?” My soul nearly jumped out of my body when I heard Damien’s voice. “God! Why are you here?” I asked as I tried to steady my breathing with my palm on my chest. “To finish off where I started” He said and took out a sheathed knife from the inside of his jacket. My eyes went the size of truck tyres. “Don’t worry, I won’t kill you” He said after laughing. That should have settled my heart but it didn’t. I was scared of him and scared of what he made me feel. He placed both hands at the top of my head and quickly sliced the tight band that held my hair in place, causing layers of my hair to cascade around me. A lock of hair fell over my eyes and Damien’s thumb flicked it out of my way as his hand cupped my face. His other hand travelled the path of my neck, shoulders and then my back and I didn’t dare move. “So beautiful” He commented as his thumb tilted my head up towards him. His grey-blue eyes dissected mine, and the lust he had for me was obvious. “And all mine”.               

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