Chapter 10

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My head was resting against the door of the bathroom, my eyes shut tightly. What did I just do? I cannot believe that I actually kissed him. Him! Of all people. God, but it was good, great actually. No, no, what am I doing. Things almost went too far tonight. There was definitely something wrong with me. I was allowing the man that had taken me against my will to touch and kiss me all over, and I even enjoyed it. But I couldn't exactly help it. He did things to me no other man did. Made me feel indescribable feelings in places I never even thought possible. And it didn't help that he was roguishly handsome. With his intense blue - grey eyes, precisely sharp jawline, totally kissable lips and slight stubble, he was worthy of being People magazine's hottest man alive for at least a couple of decades. I sighed heavily and decided to push all thoughts relating to a certain crime lord, out of my head.

The minute I stepped out of my room. I heard upbeat music and bellowing chants and decided to follow the sounds which seemed to be coming from the lounge and kitchen. As I made my way down the staircase, three girls dressed very provocatively bumped into me. "Watch where you're going, bitch" The one in blue snarled. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and continued down the steps. Apparently, Damien and Tony's cousin, whom they haven't seen for about seven years, was arriving and the party was being held in his honour. When I descended into the lounge it was quite clear to me that I was overdressed for this spur-of-the-moment party. There were dozens of girls dancing in the room, wearing swim suits, some of them even letting their boobs run free from their prisons. There were two poles on either side of the bar that I've never noticed before. I mean, you would think that I would be able to notice the golden poles, since I spent hours staring at the bar wondering if drinking away my misery would do me any good. My eyes followed a waitress who wore hot pink bunny ears on her head, to the backyard and that is where I almost choked on my own spit.

There were naked girls everywhere. In the pool, in the Jacuzzi, on the foldable relaxing chairs. Some were talking, some dancing, and some were being fucked by guys I didn't know. Hard and unbelievably fast. Dear Lord. I shut my eyes tightly before looking around for a familiar face. I didn't take me long to spot Lars. He was on the far left, making out against the wall with some blonde. "Lars? What the hell is going on here?" I cried out after mumbling an apology to the women he was with, who left the area with a pained look on her face. He frowned. "It's a party" He answered with a shrug and walked after the blonde. "Like this?!" I asked exasperated, to no one in particular.

"You feeling left out?" Another voice, one I did not recognise, spoke up behind me. I turned around and came face to face with a guy that had so many tattoos, he could pass for a comic book. "You clearly didn't the memo" He commented after eyeing me up and down. I stood uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze. "But don't worry, that's something I can take care" He was moving closer towards me like a predator towards its prey. ", I uh...actually need to go" I said and backed away from him.


The moment I left Aria's room, I went straight to Joaquin's but he wasn't there. So I went to the kitchen and found him with Lars checking some sort of list. "Next time you barge into a room like that, I swear I am going to fucking kill you!" I said and punched a cupboard door for impact. "Damn. Do I at least get one last wish? Like getting to fuck adorable Ari?" He asked with a saddened face, making me chase him around the counter island in the kitchen. "Woah, guys, stop!". Tony came in between us holding up a firm hand to my chest, letting Joaquin slip away. "Lars, why didn't you stop them?" Tony asked him looking annoyed. "Are you for real? Damien would have killed me". "Joaquin, what did you say to Damien?" Tony asked with knitted eyebrows, after rolling his eyes at Lars's comment. "Oh, just that I wanted to fuck Aria" He answered with a shrug. "Togliti dal cazza idiota!" I yelled angrily. (Fuck off you idiot). "Ok, look Joaquin. Just stay out of Damien's way, stop pissing him off and for God's sake stop trying to get into Aria's pants". Joaquin chuckled "I'm not trying to get into her pants. I don't even have to try" I almost broke free from Tony's grip and charged after Joaquin, but Lars joined Tony in holding me back. "Joaquin" Tony warned. "I'm just busting his balls. I know that he has a thing for her" Joaquin replied with a shrug and jumped onto the kitchen counter. I slowly shook my head at his childishness. "I know better than anyone to not mess with a girl Damien has his eyes set on".

About a year after I was crowned leader of the Romano crime family, I met someone. Elena. Crazy, wild and beautiful. She wasn't a prostitute or a bar dancer or anything like that, she was the daughter of a man who ended up being a family friend. Things were going really well between the two of us. But then Joaquin wanted in, so I let him. I was never one to say no to the guys if it regarded something like this. If they wanted to fuck her as well, I allowed it. But then things got complicated. Elena started developing feelings for him and chose him over me. And that really bruised my ego. Joaquin kept on assuring me that he had no emotional attachment to her, that he didn't reciprocate her feelings towards him, but I didn't listen to him. I almost fought Joaquin to the death over a girl, and not once did Joaquin fight back. If Tony didn't talk some sense into me, Joaquin probably wouldn't have been alive today.

"Things are different this time" Tony's voice interrupted my walk down memory lane and I nodded in agreement. "So, like I know I'm intruding on the whole reminiscing vibe thing going on here, but I was actually left in charge of organising the party and since I can't do everything by myself and it's all short notice, I'm going to need some help" A very stressed out looking Lars said. I chuckled along with Joaquin. "You only need to worry about the food. I've sorted out the barmen and the drinks. You've already invited everyone on the guest list and you've informed the DJ. And thanks to Joaquin's tech guy, the retractable golden poles near the bar are working and remote control. Then, once everything is sorted out here, Maddox will bring Dante and his guys back from where I've dropped them, which is Nonno's place" (Grandfather).

"See, everything is basically taken care of" Joaquin told Lars. "I still don't get why we couldn't just have the party at one of your strip clubs, Damien. It's relatively quiet during the day". "This is a welcome home pool party and Dante hasn't seen this place yet, besides, I can't let Aria out of this house yet, not until I am one hundred percent sure, she has no plans of running away". "She seems quite comfortable here with us" Lars said with a frown. "No, Damien is right, we can't be too careful with her, she could be planning her escape and that could land us in hot water" Tony thought out loud.

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