Chapter 25

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My heart pounded in my chest as I watched Damien inched forward towards me. How much did he hear? I tossed the phone onto the bed behind me. He was close now, too close. I shut my eyes tightly as his hand gripped my hair, tugging my head back. If there was a glimmer of mercy left in him, that was now gone. He hated me, and this time I gave him reason to.                                                                    “You fucking bitch! Still contacting the FBI, huh?”.                                                                   “This was the only the second time. I did it to save myself from Emmanuel!”. “No one will be saving you from Emmanuel, you hear me? No one! Not Joaquin, not even Tony”.                                                                                                 I screwed up my face questionably.                                                                                       “Yeah, that’s right, not even Tony. He left the gang, of his own accord. I didn’t even have to have him shot at”.                                                                                                                                                

Without thinking, I raised my stronger hand and slapped him hard against his cheek. Damien’s flesh reddened, his hand flew to his face.                                                “That’s fucking it!!” He yelled and began dragging me out of the room.                                                     I looked back at the room, at the phone, and began repeating the number in my mind.                                                                                                                                Damien dragged me down the hallway and down the stairs. Lars stood up when he noticed Damien pulling me through the lounge, past the door. “Damien…”.                                                                                                                             “Not a fucking word, Lars” Damien warned him and he kept quiet.                                   Damien walked me to the passenger side of the SUV, opened the door and forced me inside.                                                                                                                                      I rubbed my arm where he had harshly gripped my skin while he made his way to the driver’s seat. Damien got in, started the car and reversed out of the driveway. Thoughts swam in my mind. Why would Tony leave the gang? What could be the reason behind his decision. I didn’t bother asking Damien, and so, we drove in complete silence.

I must have drifted off to sleep, because when I opened my eyes, we were driving on a dirt road. I didn’t recognise where we were, but I knew we were in another town. A much poorer, less populated town. I looked at Damien for an answer to a question I didn’t ask, and then looked away. Soon the car came to a stop in front of a dilapidated house. I could see a man sitting on the edge of the porch, cigarette lit in his hand. Damien got out of the car and walked around to the passenger door.                                                                                                “Get out” He growled and stuffed the car keys into his pocket. As if reading my intentions on running away, he grabbed hold of my wrist and began walking towards the front porch.                                                                                                               

“Mr Romano, I was expecting a briefcase full of cash” The man was dressed in police uniform. Great, a dirty cop.                                                                                         “Your payment is right here, Emmanuel” Damien replied and lifted my hand as if I had just won a match inside the ring. Emmanuel was of a stocky built. He had raven coloured hair and dark brown eyes. He sneered as he looked me over.  “Is this one of your leftovers?”.                                                                                                “You can say so” Damien said with a shrug.                                                                Then Damien looked at me.                                                                                                                                                  “You can kill her, fuck her, sell her, I don’t care, I just need to be rid of her”. “Usually I’m not too happy with your leftovers, but this one is an exception” Emmanuel said, held two fingers under my chin and lifted my face. I resisted the urge to spit in his face and instead, jerked my face away from his hold.                        “I have to go. Have fun” He muttered emotionless and walked to his car.

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