Chapter 16

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Fire. Burning, blazing red hot fire. That was what Damien’s hands felt like when they touched me. As if I was being touched by the devil himself. When we walked into my room, he took me straight to the bed and started kissing me. “Damien” I said with a hint of surprise in my voice. “No, Aria, don’t try and stop me. I need this. I need you”. What I should’ve done would have been the sensible thing any woman in my position would do; shove the guy as far as possible and run the hell away from him. But I didn’t, no, I kissed him back. And I enjoyed it. Even more disturbing, I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his perfectly pink lips devouring mine. The stubble on his face, ever so slightly stab my cheeks. His hands explore my petite frame and his erection press into the empty space between my legs. I wanted him. I wanted all of him. I might have even wanted him since the moment we met. He touched me now like he’d touched me then, his thumb circling my clitoris through my clothes. I moaned in agony against his lips, and I could feel him smiling over me even though my eyes were closed.

“Aria”. I opened my eyes and saw Damien staring down at my body. “Strip for me”. I had never had a guy get this close to me before. I had never done anything other than making out with someone, so when Damien told me to strip, to actually strip, I felt very self-conscience and very nervous. “Do it” His hungry eyes still hadn’t left my body. I knew that if I did this now, there was no going back. By asking me to take my clothes, Damien, knowingly or unknowingly was giving me the choice as to what would happen next. If I was too uncomfortable in doing the obvious, all I had to do was leave. And if I was okay with things going this way, I would strip. It was my choice.

I slowly got up from the now damp bed and took a shaky breath in. My breathing increased as I pulled my t-shirt off, letting it fall to the floor. When Damien didn’t say or do anything, I lowered my hands to the zipper on my denim shorts and pulled it down. I hooked my thumbs inside the jeans and being it two sizes small, thanks to Joaquin, struggled to tug them down. Damien was clearly growing impatient, watching me struggle to undress, as he pushed me back onto the bed and ripped the jeans off my legs. His right hand reached towards my back and ripped the sheer lace bralette off my body. He stared for a moment at my breasts and I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks. “Perfect” He whispered before flicking his tongue around one nipple, the other trapped between two of his fingers. “Ah” I sighed out as he sucked and kneaded my breast greedily. I was too busy relishing in the pleasure I felt from his mouth on my body to notice that he had removed the white lacy thong that I wore. So when I felt his tongue run over my clitoris, I immediately scrambled away from his touch.

But all it did for me to get back into place was two strong arms pulling and anchoring my ankles to the bed. As if punishment for trying to get away, two fingers angrily pushed its way into my vagina. “Damien! Ah…” I screamed out a little bit too loudly, mentally cursing and reminding myself that there were other people in this house as well. “That was for moving away” He grinned further as my body reacted to the thrusting of his fingers inside me. In and out they pumped. By now I was sweating and having problems breathing. Then he pulled his fingers out completely and replaced it with his tongue. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any better, they did. The warmth and moistness of his tongue against me almost brought me over the edge. I nearly lost my sanity each time he tried to force his tongue down the same depth his fingers were in. My hips bucked and writhed against him in pleasure and pain. “Damien, please stop” I begged breathlessly, afraid that I would cum if his tongue spent more time playing around. To my surprise, Damien listened to my plea and removed his tongue and even his fingers that were massaging my breasts. He looked down at me, while he removed his shirt. I lay on the bed panting, my eyes closing. Next thing I know those two magical fingers are in me again, thrusting hard and fast. I gripped onto his forearm that supported him up against the bed. Damien pushed his fingers slow and steady, giving me a moment to catch my breath. He increased his speed and with that so does my breathing. Then he pulled out completely, leaving me empty and wanting more. I looked up at him to see that he was removing his pants. Ignoring the growing bulge in his pants, I desperately grabbed his hands and shoved the same two fingers inside me, until not even his knuckles could be seen. Shock took over his face and he immediately withdrew his fingers.


Damien thought back on all the times he’d seen her around the men in the house. She was always comfortable around them. When she was with Lars and Joaquin she was – what he assumed was – herself, happy and always laughing. Around Maddox she was quiet, although everyone usually was. She had these intense and very serious conversations with Tony, usually about politics or going green and saving the world. With Emilio and Sergio, she was like a naughty kid, pranking Dante and putting all the blame on the rest of the boys. She was always comfortable around them. She saw them as friends, just friends and not as men with needs. Even with Joaquin, she seemed to be getting closer to him each and every day. Damien had wanted that with her. When he’d seen them together laughing and dancing or even just talking, he’d wanted that. She even flirted back sometimes when Joaquin said something. They would hug every morning and night. She made him his coffee in the mornings and he made her hers. Those were all things that should’ve been happening for him.

So then why did he stop himself from making her his? Sure, he’d been surprised when he felt the barrier that could only mean she was a virgin. But why did it stop him? He’d never hesitated with a woman until now. Maybe it was because he knew that he wouldn’t be able to take things slow and be gentle like he was supposed to. Or maybe because he wanted her so badly that he wouldn’t dare hurt her. He scoffed silently, if he’s grandfather had to see him now, he’d laugh at the softie a woman had reduced him to. “Damien?” Aria’s sweet voice broke through the thoughts in his head. He looked down at her. “Hmm?...” I asked, still distracted. “I said it’s your turn”


If the tarot card reader Aria along with Bianca had met at a carnival 2 years ago told her that one day she and her friend would have their workplace vandalised, their customers shot at, their lives threatened, gotten abducted by the Mafia, forced against her will to stay, and then ended up sucking the leader of the most feared gang’s cock, she would’ve laughed in her face. In actual fact she did laugh in her face, because the gypsy had also said that she would meet the guy that she would fall head – over – heels in love with, at the carnival itself. How romantic. Instead here she was – on her knees, cupping a big set of heavy balls, struggling to get a cock that wouldn’t even fit halfway in her mouth. Each time she felt the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, strange gagging sounds came from my mouth. Damien however seemed to love the hum and moan of the words vibrating off his dick, as his grip on my hair intensified. I did not know what I was doing. Sure, I’d seen porn before, but I didn’t really take note. I at least remembered one thing. Bianca had told me that the balls were just as important to take care of as the cock was.

Low hanging fruit. Now she knew why they were termed as low hanging fruit. They were low …and slightly swollen looking. Was that normal? Not wanting to make things awkward, I didn’t dare ask him any questions. I did Biology at school, but that was two years ago and even remembering something from last week was a challenge. Deciding that it was time to pay attention to his testicles, I lifted his penis slightly up, letting it dangle above my face as I sucked on his nuts. After hearing a groan in response, as my teeth grazed against the under part of his dick, I softly kissed his long thick shaft before making my teeth run along the length of him.

“Aria” He moaned in what sounded like a warning tone. Placing my hands on his bare butt cheeks, I gripped down hard as Damien took control of my head, making his cock slide in and out my mouth as fast as it could go, both hands entangled in my hair.  The gagging sounds from my mouth was overpowered by the moans coming out of Damien’s mouth. After screaming out my name loud enough – I’m sure- for the entire mansion to hear, hot thick white liquid shot out of his cock and down my throat, making me choke and cough out the rest of his cum. Damien was panting and needed to sit down on the floor to catch his breath. His cum dripped off my lips and onto my one boob. “I’ve never…that was…wow…” While Damien was at a loss for words, I myself was amazed by how much I managed to milk out of him and mentally patted myself on the back for doing a good job for the first time.

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