Chapter 13: B r e a d

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3rd Person

Midas fell limp to the floor, energy wasted. Meowscles stared in horror. Drift's golden body fell over in the wind, shattering what was left, the mask rolling off to the side. Midas laid on the ground. Meowscles came and grabbed to mask, hooking it to his belt. Then he scooped up Midas's smol body in his arms, holding him close. Midas nuzzled him softly. Meowscles felt his heart melt, he never knew how much he loved Midas until now. Meowscles realized that he would take a bullet for Midas, a grenade, anything. Meowscles kissed his forehead and continued to walk quietly.

He heard wheels and thought, 'Oh god, please don't come and kill me..'....Turns out, it was just Derby. She rolled up, "*Huff* H-hey! What happened!?" Meowscles had to explain everything. Meowscles told her how Drift and Midas's past was and everything else. She nodded and said, "Then, what's up with the crumble's of gold back there?" She gestured behind her. Meowscles whinced, 'Dang it! Thought she wouldn't ask!' "Well um...." She seemed trustworthy enough...Right? Meowscles pointed to the sleeping Midas in his arms, "He has a curse.." Derby nodded, "How'd he get it?" Meowscles shrugged, Midas had never told or anybody about what happened to him.

Midas get really upset when people ask him anyways. Derby slowly rolled beside him as he walked. He was quiet surprised that she even stayed. When most people heard that he could turn you into gold, they ran away and never looked back, "Even when he looks like a full snack.." Meowscles purred. Derby looked at him, "Hm?" She questioned. Meowscles kept admiring his smol bean. Derby understood and went quiet. Meowscles softly kissed Midas's forehead again, like he was never going to able to ever again. Derby looked up at him again, "You really love him, don't cha?" Meowscles nodded and nuzzled Midas. Derby giggled, "You guys are really cute together.." Meowscles thanked her and it got quiet again.

Meowscles hated the silence but it might be best. He kept walking and he's legs started to give. He huffed and pushed through the pain. He saw the Agency in the distance, He sighed with relief. Derby did too. She said, "Thank god! I was about to die on the ground!" Meowscles softly laughed. Then he saw Monika and Mysterious walking around, with flashlights??  "Meowscles!" He heard Mysterious yell. Meowscles whispered shouted, "Mysterious! Over here!" Mysterious's head snapped up, "Meow!" She raced towards him and realized that Midas was just sleeping, Mysterious was thinking the worse happened. Monika came up a little bit later.

Meowscles told them everything that happened and Monika huffed. "You didn't let me kill him?" She asked, sounding hurt. Meowscles rolled his eyes. Monika and Mysterious were staring at each other and Derby said, "So, who are these cutie's??" Mysterious jumped out of her skin and grabbed her pistol out, Monika brought out a knife. Derby stepped back, "Sheesh! Sorry!" Mysterious blazing eyes went away and she placed a hand over her heart. Monika let out a long sigh. Mysterious smiled and said, "Hi! I'm Mysterious!" Derby smiled and hugged her, "Hello! I'm Derby!" Derby looked at Monika. Monika 'tsked' and said, "Im Monika.." Derby went serious and said, "I guess you heard my name." Monika nodded and looked away.

Meowscles sighed and continued to walk. Midas started to wake. He must have forgotten that he was 'rescued' cause brought his fist back and punched Meowscles square in the nose. Meowscles cursed and dropped Midas. Midas got up, arm outstretched. Meowscles held his nose in pain. Meowscles's mistake was to turn his back on Midas. Midas put his hand on Meowscles back. Meowscles whipped around and out of Midas's reach. Midas looked up snarling. "Meow?" He asked, his look went soft. Meowscles nodded and held his face still, blood dripping in between his fingers. 

Midas gasped in horror. "I'm sorry Babe!" He ran up and wrapped his arms around Meowscles neck. Meowscles groaned but wrapped his arms around Midas's waist. Midas patted his back and then quickly took them away, horror spreading across his perfect face. Meowscles looked at him, one eye closed from pain, "What's wrong?" He asked. Midas teared up and started to shake, "I have failed you..." He whimpered. Meowscles was confused af, Monika was still staring into the distance and Mysterious was staring at Meowscles back, stroking her chin. Derby was staring too. Meowscles felt his back and realized that there was a shape of something there, and it was cold and hard.

Midas looked away from him, as if he was unbearable to look at. Meowscles felt it again, he had a golden hand print on his back. Meowscles widened his eyes. Mysterious said, "Meowscles, understand that's an accident...." Meowscles spinned around and looked a her, "I know." Mysterious sighed with relief. "What, Did you think I was going to lash out at him??" Mysterious shook her head. Midas was hugging himself. Meowscles came a picked him up, one quick movement. Midas was shaking horribly, Meowscles felt bad, Why can't something bad happen to him for once? And not Midas. Meowcles would gladly have something bad happen to him instead. Meowscles held Midas close, Midas whimpered, "Let me go." Meowscles shook his head, "No." They continued to walk in silence until Monika said, "Everyone stop moving." 

Everyone done what was told but not Mysterious. The both squat-walked around, Guns and knifes out. Monika made a motion with her fingers for everyone to start walking again. They made it to the Agency and Midas quickly escaped Meowscles arms and ran up to his room. Meowscles sighed in defeat and went to look at the mark on his back. It was kinda cool, Like a mark that means that he will always be Midas's. Meowscles had no idea why Midas was making such a big deal about it. Meowscles realized that he likes it more than he should.

He played on his Gameboy, watching the hours fly by. He looked up at his clock to see that it was 1:00 in the morning. He got up and turned out his lights. He laid down but couldn't fall asleep. Lightening struck outside, making him jump out of his skin. He heard his door slowly creak open. He flipped over quickly and saw Midas, only in his boxers, standing there. "Can I sleep in here?" Midas asked quietly. Meowscles nodded and scooted over, patting the spot next to him. Midas shut the door and locked it. Midas acted like he didn't but Meowscles saw....He smirked.

Midas flopped down next to him, "Im really sorry Meow..." He said, tearing up. Meowscles nuzzled him and said, "Love...I love it, It will remind me that I'm always yours..." Midas sniffed and started to cry. Meowscles teared up and cried too. Mewoscles held him in his embrace, both letting it go. Midas cried in his chest, Meowscles looked to the ceiling. Meowscles wasn't a loud crier, but tonight changed that. Midas calmed down and tried to comfort Meowscles. Meowscles was trying, but he was one of those people where if he starts crying, he'll let it all out before he stops. Midas stroked his fur and scratched behind his ears until he calmed down.

Meowscles laid flat on his back, Midas sat on top of him. Meowscles purred and rubbed his thighs. Midas squirmed a slight bit but enjoyed the feeling. 

"How about we have some fun~."

Meowscles purred.

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