Chapter 19: Excuse you?

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3rd Person POV

Kit woke before everyone else. He looked at his lovely parents. Midas, laying his head in the nape of Meowscles chest. Kit purred approvingly and waddled to the edge bed. He looked down and judged if he would die or not if he jumped off. He sat pathetically at the edge and started to think of how to get down. He perked up when thought of the purrfect escape plan. He tugged the blankets to the edge as carefully as he could to not wake his parents. He finally got them towards the edge and climbed down. The thing is that the blanket didn't make it all the way to the floor. So half way down, he fell. He hit the floor but it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would. He quickly scurried to the door, pushing on it. He looked up and saw that it wasn't opening anytime soon. 

He growled, annoyed. He looked around the room and tried to find high ground. He saw a chair at Midas's vanity. Kit grabbed the leg of it with his teeth and tugged. He scraped against the floor and he cringed, hoping it didn't wake them. Midas's face scrunched up a bit then relaxed. Kit sighed with relief and continued to drag the chair. He finally got it to the door and climbed up. He looked at the door knob and tugged down. The door opened a crack. He jumped down from the chair and slipped through the crack. He looked into the hallway. Every light was off. This would normally make any human being turn around and stay safe in their room...Not for Kit.

Kit ran down the stairs, missing a few and falling. He made it to the bottom and ran to the couch. He jumped up and saw a sleeping Skye. He almost shit himself. He jumped down and ran to the kitchen. Ollie, Skye's trusty, fluffy, friend was getting in a can of peanuts. Kit just kinda sat there watching. Ollie finally noticed and said, "Ollie?" He pushed some peanuts towards Kit. Kit kindly put down the offer and walked past Ollie and jumped on the chair Ollie had already provided. Kit got on the counter and tried to remember which cabinet CatBiscuits where in. He stopped under the very far left one and grabbed the handled with his tiny paws. He pulled and it swung open, knocking Kit off the counter. Ollie quickly scrambled over to him and caught him before he could hit the floor. Kit mewed an appreciation and got back up there, grabbing the bag of CatBiscuits. 

He opened them and started to munch down. Ollie giggled or more like made an high-pitched noise, like a dolphin. Kit smiled and continued to eat the little treats until they heard footsteps. Kit froze and tried to seek out the best escape route. Ollie turned to his hat form and laid on the floor. Kit jumped down from the counter, but it was to late. A Henchmen walked into the kitchen, aiming his gun. He saw Kit's figure and pulled the trigger. Kit dodged and quickly ran out the kitchen. Skye yelped and jumped awake, seeing what the ruckus was. She saw a Henchmen chasing a Raccoon of something through the Agency. Then she noticed that this raccoon was indeed not a raccoon but Midas's and Meowscles son, Kit.

She yelled at the Henchmen to stop, but he was more worried bout a damn 'raccoon'. Skye got up and ran after him. Kit dodge more bullets and ran up the stairs. Henchmen was right after him. Kit ran into Midas's room and climbed up the blanket and in between Midas and Meowscles, mewing loudly. Once the Henchmen heard the mewing, he knew he fucked up, big time. Meowscles woke up quickly and saw the Henchmen standing there. He then looked down at Kit, shaking and crying. Meowscles snapped his head back up to look at the Henchmen, angry being the only readable expression. The Henchmen started to sweat, cause at this point, Midas is up. Midas sat up and looked at the Henchmen, his eyes oddly glowing. "What...Is..This...About?" He growled. Kit nuzzled Midas's thigh, trying to get his attention. 

Midas pushed Kit back softly, "Not now sweetness..." Midas cooed and returned his angry glare to the Henchmen. Kit realized that it isn't the Henchmen's fault, I mean, it's dark in the Agency, how was he suppose to know that it was Kit? Kit watched as Midas got up and reached for the Henchmen. The Henchmen got down on one knee and lowered his head. Kit jumped in front of the Henchmen and started to swat Midas's feet. Midas stepped back and stared at Kit with piercing glare he gave the Henchmen. Kit stared back at him, eyes squinting. Meowscles whistled, "Sassy son..." Midas blinked and waved the Henchmen away. The Henchmen apologized and ran out of the room quickly, shutting the door softly behind him. Midas stared at Kit with a concerned glare. Meowscles smiled and laid back down. Midas stared at his son, confused. Normally, people would quickly look away and shrivel up and die if they got Midas's glare.

Kit purred and started licking his paw, then flatting the fur behind his ears. Midas shook his head and laid back down, seeing that the time was 2:30 AM. Meowscles grabbed Midas's waist and pulled him close, nuzzling. Kit looked at the door wondering if he should or not. Midas sighed and called for Kit, "Son, I swear, you walk out that door I will never forgive you.." Kit growled and crawled up the bed post. He came up and laid between Meowscles and Midas. Midas put his hand on Kit's back, petting slowly. Meowscles purred and rested his head against the pillow. Midas continued to pet Kit until his breathing slowly and was very steady. 

Midas smiled and closed his eyes but troubling thoughts kept him up. 'I have a kid with Meowscles...But we're not married....What if he leaves me?' Midas almost teared up but he knew that Meowscles would never...He just knows it. He looked at Meowscles sleeping face. He smiled, fond of him. He truly loves him. He loves Kit as well. Yet, his mind kept dragging him back to that dumb mind set that Meowscles will leave him. Midas closed his eyes as a tear slipped out. He sniffed and started to quietly sob. He got up and ran to the bathroom as quiet as he can. He shut the door and leaned against the wall. He started to wipe his eyes and slide down the wall. "He'll leave you~ But I won't~.." An unknown voice echoed through the bathroom walls. Midas's head shot up and looked around. He got up and grabbed a pistol from a drawer.

"Oooo~ So hostile~.." The voice purred again. He pushed his back against the wall, he was imagining things...Yup, that's it...Imagining. The voice 'tsked' as Midas brought his legs up to the chest and rested his head a-top of them. The mysterious person opened the vent and slipped in the bathroom. Midas's eyes widened but didn't lift his head, in fear of what he might see. "Look at me..." Midas slowly raised his head, seeing Chaos's gaze meet his. Midas sucked in a breath. "H-how?" Midas asked. Chaos smirked and waved his hand around. "Like I'd tell you~, Anywayyy, I see you have a kid~?" Midas nodded and looked back towards the floor.

"I didn't say look away.." He stated. Midas smiled, "It's funny how you think your in charge here.." Chaos sighed and Midas heard a gun being cocked. Midas sighed and looked up, knowing he was going to be staring into a barrel of a loaded gun, It's better than Chaos's horrid mask. He felt his heart flutter, Monika was hanging from the vent, gun aiming at Chaos head. Mysterious was standing on the counter, hand raised, ready to back hand him to the next dimension. Midas watched as Monika dropped down but never removed the gun from his temple. Mysterious had a shadow over her face, one eye visible. You know shit is about to go down. Monkia smiled, a smile that a lunatic wears very well. Mysterious looked at Midas, "Are you alright sir?" She asked sternly, but kindly at the same time. 

Midas nodded weakly and got up. Chaos sighed and put his hands up in defeat. Monika looked up, so did Midas. Lillith was chillin' in the vent. Just watchin. Chaos sighed, "Are you going to kill me?" Mysterious growled, "Most likely, prick." Chaos chuckled. Then, something unbelievable happened, he disappeared. Midas stood quickly and whipped around. Mysterious waved her hand front of her and disappeared as well. Monika gremlin style jumped back into the vent and they we're gone. Midas ran out of the bathroom and shook Meowscles awake, "MeowMeowMeow! Wake up! Baby wake up please!" Meowscles quickly got up and looked around, wondering what was wrong.

"What's wrong love??" He asked, walking over and grabbed Midas into a hug. "C-chaos, He's here in the-" He started motioning around the whole room. "He's here?" Asked Meowscles, tone darkening. Midas nodded aggressively. Meowscles growled and tapped everyone awake, telling them to be on alert. Maya wasn't happy about being up at such hours. Meowscles kept Midas right by his side and Midas held Kit tightly in his arms. Kit was mewing, basically crying. Midas kept kissing the top of his head and tried to explain that everything was okay. Meowscles put Midas on the bed and grabbed his gun, slowly walking to the door. Midas held Kit close, tears pricking his eyes. Meowscles whipped open the door and opened fire. Kit squealed and hid his face in Midas's chest. You could hear other agents or Henchmen yelling, it was like war all over again.

Midas didn't realize he was crying until he realized that Kit's fur was wet. Kit was no better, he was sobbing with his 'mother'. Midas felt like it was forever until the clock chimed 4:30am. Midas looked up and stared at the clock. It had been 2 hours since Meowscles left. But that's not what bothered Midas. What bothered Midas what that.....

Meowscles Never Came Back 

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