Chapter 25: Hanging Out With The Gremlin

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Meowscles POV

I watched Skye clench and un-clench her fist. I purred with satisfaction. Kit still groomed his little paws. Skye rolled her eyes and said, "Wanna hang out Meow? I think we should." I shrugged, "Sure, I don't see why not." Kit mewed and rubbed against my leg. I picked him up and said, "How about you go hang out with your mom, okay?" Kit mewed and I walked to the door, "You comin' Skye?" She nodded and followed me out of Medbay and to the lounge. I told her to wait there while I take Kit Midas. I walked up the steps and into his room. He was laying on his bed, reading 'Making Bombs For Hitler.' He looked up when I stepped in, "Could you watch him for a little bit, Skye wants to hang out with me for little bit."  Midas nodded and made grabbie hands to his son. I walked over and handed him Kit. 

Midas nuzzled Kit and giggled, "Hai bbyyyy~!" He kissed Kit's nose and Kit mewed happily pawing Midas's cheek. I smiled and left the room. I jogged back down the stairs and saw Skye getting her XBox 1 ready. I groaned, knowing my ass was going to get handed to me. She smiled when she saw me, "Well, wanna help me in Forza?" I nodded slowly, that wasn't an competitive game. Was it? I laid flat on my stomach and kicked my feet back and forth. She handed me a controller to me and smiled. I sighed and said, "Can we play ....I don't knowwww, Minecraft or something?" She thought about it and nodded, selecting Minecraft. The red Mojang logo flashed on an she got up, "You need anything to drink?" I shook my head and she walked into the kitchen. 

She came back with a Mango Snapple. She sat down and set the mode to survival. We went on split screen and started playing. I was gathering wood for weapons while she gathered some wood to get a crafting table. She was really quiet, not screaming. Not yelling at me. Nothing. I looked at her and she looked, dead? She just seemed distant. I paused the game and stared at her. She blinked and said, "I think you paused the game on accident." She didn't look at me. I said, "No, I paused it on purpose...What's up with you?" Skye shrugged and snatched my controller, un-pausing it. I glared at her and snatched my controller back, pausing it. She looked at me and I sucked in a breath. I just noticed that she was on the verge of tears. I softened my expression and stared at her, "Skye..-" "Just stop, Let's play- Please-" She was choking on her words, hands shaking horribly.

I also noticed Skye's baggy eyes. It look liked she hadn't slept in a few days. I went to the XBox and shut it off. She buried her face in her hands, sobbing. I came and sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her. She continued to sniffle and hold back tears. 

I just realized something else.

Skye never really shares her feelings. I never seen her sob because of feelings. Like, I've seen her sob because somebody got hurt but I never seen her cry for personal issues. "I'm sorry Meow....I just want to make sure everyone's okay and-!" I shushed her and said, "What do you mean?" She took a few breaths and said, "I've been updating the security systems......" I did realize that. They cameras worked a lot better in the past weeks. I pulled her into my lap and she rested her head on my chest. I rubbed her back, but she started to cry again. She held her face and sobbed. I heard soft foot steps. My ears rotated to the noise and saw a very concerned Midas peak around the corner. 

I shook my head quickly and cut my head across my throat. Midas cocked brow, worry flooded his face. She sniffled and rubbed her face on me. eww. Midas sighed and tapped my earpiece, "We are going to talk about this later." I nodded and he blew a kiss and walked back upstairs. I purred to comfort her. She sniffed again and said, "And, I really like someone...In a unhealthy way." I chuckled and replied, "Well, Just go for it, what could possibly happen?" She looked at me and I smiled. 

There's no guys left in the Agency. Only women. Tina owes me 10 bucks.

"Besides thattttt," Skye continued, "I also haven't slept in while cause I was scared something was going to happen." I shook my head, "That's something you shouldn't worry about Skye." She sighed and rolled her eyes, "I know, Remedy tells me that all the tiiiime." I nodded, "Cause it's true." 

I realized that Remedy was the only person not taken. I mean...I kinda guessed that. Other 10 bucks.

Skye sighed and stood up. I stood too. "You know Skye, I'm always open to talk, right?" She nodded slowly. I patted her head and she smiled. Maya walked past us, her hair was a mess. 

She was also in Tina's hoodie. I took a quick mental note of that and watched her walk past. "The fuck you lookin at?" I heard voice from the direction Maya came. Tina was standing against a pillar. She squinted at me. I shrugged and said, "Nothing, I was just surprised." Maya continued to walk into the kitchen. Tina followed but as she walked past me, she poked my chest. 

I also took a mental note that Tina's right arm was overstimulating. You can tell by how her hand is slightly shaking. She walked into the kitchen as well. Skye shook her head and rolled her eyes, "Tina is a yandere...Not me." I nodded, it is true but, "You literary got jealous of my son because Remedy was holding him." "But that doesn't mean I'm a yandere." I nodded, that's true too. I heard a gasp and, "Tina!" Then malicious laughter. Skye giggled and hugged me, "Thank you..For dealing with me." I smiled, "It's okay Skye." 


Tina's POV

I woke up Maya on accident. I was in the shower and I dropped a bottle of soap. But moments later, she walked in. I peaked around curtain and looked at her, "What up babes?" Maya was standing there, in a very sized shirt. It looked like Meowscles shirt. I cocked a brow, "The hell you get that?" "It got mixed in with mine..." She slipped off her shirt and I opened the curtain and she stepped in. 

We took a shower...Together. 

It kinda pog ngl. I got to see her perfect body again and of course, she was flirt thee entire time. 

But she learned her lesson, hehe. 

Once I finished , I got out and grabbed my clothes. 

Mayas legs were shaking again, but she stepped out and snatched my hoodie, glaring at me. I made the fuck boy face. She crossed her arms and said, "times?" I nodded and kissed her. She kissed back but broke it, "I'm hungry." She stated and walked past me. I followed her. Yeah, I saw Meowscles staring at her so I put him in his place. Then I walked in the kitchen where my wifu was at. She was on her tippy-toes, trying to reach the box of Cheerio's. I stared at her ass, leaning on the doorway. She huffed and turned, "Get it for me..Peasant~." I rolled her eyes, "Nope...You should have been tall." Maya rolled her eyes, "Man Tina, If only it worked that way."

I smiled and waited, "Tina-pleaseeeeeee!" I shook my head. "Momm-." "Maya, Don't you fucking dare!" "Mommy! Pleaseee! I'll be  a good girl, please!" I gawking at her. I walked up to the counter and reached up, grabbing the box of Cheerio's. Maya made grabbie hands. I shook my head and asked, "What's the magic word?" "Please?" I handed her the box and she kissed my cheek, "Thaaaank youuuu!" She turned to leave and I smacked her ass. She gasped and whipped around, "Tina!" I laughed and kissed the top of her head. "I hate you-" She muttered and I replied, "Sure ya do~ Says the one that was moaning my name- Oh Hey Boss Man!" 

I saw Midas step in, "What the hell did I just hear?"  Midas asked. Maya shrugged, "No clue." I said, "Me, talking about how I claimed Maya a few hours ago." Midas slowly turned and looked at me. "I didn't actual want you to tell me- More important...Did you wash your fucking hands?" I nodded aggressively, "Of course dude. Who do you think I am?" Maya giggled and leaned against me, eating Cheerio's. Midas sighed and turned back to the coffee machine. Maya jumped up and sat on the counter, chatting away with Midas. 

Meowscles then walked in. He looked at Midas and walked up, plucking the plug to the coffee machine out of the wall. Midas whined, "Man, What the hell?" Meowcles purred, "You don't need fucking coffee at 3:00 in the afternoon." Midas whined more and put his head on Meowscles chest, "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-" "Shushhhhhhhhhhhhh." 

Midas crossed his arms. Maya giggled and I watched with greatest interest. Kit then waddled in the kitchen, mewling. Midas scooped him up, "I thought you were asleep love.." Midas walked out the kitchen and went upstairs. Meowscles purred and plugged in the coffee machine, creating Midas's favorite cup of coffee. 

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