Chapter 26: Don't Ask, Please, I Beg Of You

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3rd Person POV

Meowscles purred as he walked up the stairs to his lovers room. Midas was chilling on his bed, reading again. Kit was in his lap, pawing his pajama pants. Meowscles stepped in a shut the door, handing Midas his coffee. Midas smiled and kindly took it. Kit got curious and sniffed the air, mewling. Midas took a sip and looked at Meowscles, "How'd you make this?" Meowscles looked at him, "What ya mean love?" Midas asked, "It..taste...normal...." Meowscles let out a small chuckle, "I watch you make your coffee sometimes so...I know what you use and how much of it." Midas nodded and teared up a bit. He was just surprised that Meowscles takes the time to measure out shit and make Midas's coffee, let alone remember what's in it. 

Meowscles sat next to Midas and leaned on his shoulder. Kit crawled over to Meowscles lap and nibbled on his suspenders. Midas shook his head and laughed. Meowscles just had bruh moment cause he realized that Midas had no shirt on. He looked at the scar of his stomach. Midas noticed his staring and grabbed the blanket, covering himself. Meowscles looked up at Midas's face. His expression was dark, almost dead looking. Meowscles kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'm sorry..." Midas shook his head, "It's not your fault love." Midas got up and sat his coffee on the night stand, heading to his dresser. He snatched a shirt from the top drawer and threw it on. 

Meowscles saw the shirt and fell backwards with Kit on his stomach, rolling with laughter. Midas looked at the shirt and quickly took it off, a thick blush spreading. "You'll never mention that-" "That's where that shirt went!" Meowscles exclaimed, laughing more. Midas blushed more and grabbed a different shirt, slipping it one. Meowscles sat up to see which shirt this one was. It was a plain black shirt besides the point that it had a pink M on the front of it. Meowscles realized what it is and said, "Is that a Markiplier Shirt?????" Midas looked at it and replied, "Yup, I guess it is..." Meowscles nodded.

Kit mewed and looked at the shirt, a smol smile forming. "I guess Kit likes it too!" Midas laughed, scooping him up and spun once. Once Midas planted his feet, he kissed the top of Kit's head. Kit put his paws on Midas's cheek, mewing. It sound as if Kit was laughing. Midas gushed and cuddled him closely. Meowscles purred and watched with joy, he was surprised that Midas loves Kit so much. Yes yes, Meowscles know that Kit is Midas's son but...He still wonders. "Hey M....How come you love Kit?" Midas turned and looked at him, "What do you mean?" He laughed. Meowscles ears flattened, "Well....Um...I thought you would hate him cause he made you get that scar on your tummy..." Midas laughed again, "One...I would never, he's your son too you know, that's why I love him so much...Cause we made him....And two, why do you say 'tummy'?" Meowscles meowed, "I don't know and-" Meowscles blushed lightly. 

Midas walked over and sat down, handing Meowscles his kid. He bounced Kit lightly. Midas continued, "What? You seriously think that I would hate Kit because he did something that wasn't his fault?" Meowslces nodded. Midas shook his head and nuzzled Meowscles arm. Meowscles purred and smiled brightly. 

"YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU JUST USED THE ENDER PEARL!" Shouted Tina. Midas jumped slightly and sighed, "Oh, for Arc's sake..." Meowscles laughed and Kit mewed. Meowscles got up and sat Kit next to Midas, opening the bedroom door. Midas picked kit up and walked with Meowscles. They headed down stairs and saw that Skye, Maya, and Tina were in the lounge. Tina and Skye had the screen split, playing good ol' Minecraft. Maya obviously found this amusing because she had a smirk on her face. Midas shook his head and Meowscles watched Tina's side of the screen. Maya looked to Midas and smiled softly, patting the spot next to her. Midas nodded and walked over, sitting down beside her. 

Kit mewed and wiggled out of Midas's hands to see Maya. Maya laughed and petted Kit. Midas watched Maya, kind of nervous having other people touching his baby. Kit nuzzled to Maya's touch. Maya looked at Midas, "How are you today, Boss?" Midas looked her in the eyes, "Good...You can call me Midas, you know..." She smiled and nodded. Meowscles cackled, "You dumb bitch! Those are zombies! Baby zombies!" Tina's character was sprinting away from the mobs. Skye was laughing and gathering wheat to make bread. Meowscles eye's glittered with anticipation. Skye came and helped Tina out and killed the little bastards. 

Maya and Midas were talking up a storm about machines. Kit was happily purring that he didn't have to listen to his dad rant about how cute his mom is for the 5th time in the span of four seconds. 

Kit got hungry though and didn't feel like asking for food. He jumped off the couch and started to walk to the garage. Maya watched and said, "Hey Kit." Kit turned and looked at her, "I fixed it up a bit...Added a new motor..It's runs a bit better now." Kit mewed with appreciation and scrambled to the garage. He pushed open the door and saw his suit standing there. He quickly ran up to it and jumped on a hood of a car then leaping into his suit. 

Midas cocked a brow, "He's going into the garage-" He quickly got up and jogged to the door, but before he could get there, Kit stepped out. Midas stared at him, going pale. "What the hell!?" Midas shouted. Kit mewed and revved the engine. "Sounds great Maya!" Kit mewed. Midas blinked and looked at Kit, "Wot?" He asked, his British accent kicking in. Kit mewed again and tried to blow over the fact that he said something. Midas was worried and confused. Kit walked up to Midas but Midas stepped back. Kit seemed hurt by this and tried to step to him again. Midas still stepped back. 

Maya sighed and said, "Midas..He's not going to hurt you-" Midas whipped around, "Did you make that?" He pointed to the suit. She shook her head, "N-no! Kit made it!" Midas rolled his eyes and laughed halfheartedly, "Oh definitely Maya! A fucking week old cat is able to make that!?" He stepped toward, nobody understood why he was acting like this. Kit purred, "But Mama! I did-" Midas shushed him and glared at Maya, making her feel small and useless. Tina got between Maya and Midas, glaring at Midas. "I don't fucking think so." Tina growled, she's lucky that Midas is scared of her. She's also a few inches taller than him. Maya teared up and went to her room quietly, quickly shutting the door. Midas wanted to punch her teeth out, badly. Tina stepped toward him, "Watch yourself Midas, unless you don't like breathing." 

She turned and marched to Maya's room. Midas whipped around, pissed beyond belief. "Kit, Are you going to explain this ?" Midas motioned to the machine and waited. Meowscles was watching. Skye paused the game, sorrow filling her eyes. Kit sighed and said, "I made this at Chaos's base...I'm sorry mama, I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could, so you wouldn't worry."

Midas stared at him. Meowscles loved his lovers dumbstruck face. He kind of likes it when Midas is wrong sometimes. "So..Maya didn't build it?" Midas asked again but with a softer tone. Kit nodded and mewed sadly. Midas cursed silently and looked at Maya's bedroom door.

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