Chapter 21~

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Payton's P. o. V.
The bell rang just as 'You're So Cool' by Jonathan Bree finished playing in my ears and as everyone else left, my eyes landed on Sydney. Share Your Address came on.
My eyes shifted as I studied her and I felt like my breath had come back to me.
My head was so clear I could hear myself think.
Her hair framed her face as she leaned over her papers. Hazel eyes studying them, comfortably working. After a few seconds, when the bell stopped ringing, her eyes looked up toward the scrambling students. Then, straight at me.

Ms. Carter's p. O. v.
I was too engulfed in the grading I didn't realize the bell rung. When I looked up there was no one left but Payton. Her eyes looked so light today. Instead of her usual charming personality she was more reclusive and I could tell she was itching to get out of there. I'm sure she thought I didn't notice, but I did. And I can tell she doesn't want me to notice, so I won't.
"You know since it's the last few days you don't have to stay behind anymore right?" She nodded slowly, taking her buds out.

"I know but I've got nothing better to do until Bailey gets out so"—

"Bailey doesn't have a car?"

"No. Although I don't mind driving him around. He usually stays at my house anyway." I hummed in response. We stayed in easy silence for a while. I'd leaned back in my chair.
She broke the silence.

"So what are you waiting for?"


"Well I mean if there's nothing more to do today wouldn't you go home or—I don't know—be in a meeting?" I laughed and leaned forward again, resting my chin in my hand.

"Yeah actually. I mean not to the meeting. My nephew is supposed to be coming here. My sister is dropping him off to have a date night with her husband. I told her before 3:30. So I guess until then you're stuck with me. Or—I'm stuck with you." She forced out a tiny smile and I tried to meet her eyes.

"Oh ok." Was all she said. I really couldn't stop myself from asking, it came out like word vomit.

"How are you doing? Are you ok? I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything by saying something but you seem so sad and I"-

"Breathe." She interrupted, eyebrows furrowed with the smallest smile creeping up.
But I took in a couple breaths regardless, feeling rather stupid.

"Sorry. But are you ok? I've never seen you this um...reserved before."

"Oh. I mean it's just a quiet and slow day, nothing interesting about it or anything I just don't feel like talking sometimes yknow?" I nodded slowly.

"Oh I understand, sorry." I was trying to laugh it off but she actually got serious with me.

"Don't ever be sorry for something that is out of your control." I was going to say something to rebuttal but she was right. So I kept quiet and stood up sluggishly to walk toward the window. She stood up as well to meet me halfway and we both stood in front of the window next to each other.
We had a good habit of falling into deep silences.
This was one of them.
It was so quiet I could hear her breathing, slow and calm.
She is a very calm person. I like that about her—I mean among other things, that's just one of them. Not that there are a lot of things but—

"Are you ok?" This time the question was for me. 

"What? Oh yeah I'm good."

"Well what are you thinking?" To be honest I didn't know how to answer, I've never had a student ask me that before.

"Umm..I'm thinking that I have no idea what to do with this kid when he gets here." We both laughed quietly and after a few seconds she continued to look at me expectedly.
Her face looked dewy and soft, she doesn't wear makeup. She didn't need to.

"I don't know—I-I just don't think—I mean maybe I'm just having a stressful day or something." I backed away from the window and massaged in between my eyes.
As if the timing wasn't great enough, my freakin phone rang.
Sighing, I grabbed it off my desk and answered.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now