Chapter 22~

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Payton's P. o. V.

I walked back to one of the desks, leaning against it with my arms crossed, as I watched her take her phone call. She was listening to the other person, pacing slowly, nodding as if they could see her. About a minute later she hung up with an 'I love you too'.

"Ok." She breathed out heavily, leaning against the front of her desk with her hands at her sides on it.

"Your sister." She nodded.

"She and Oli just left, they're on their way. You can always count on her to be a little late."

"How old is he?" She moved behind her desk and grabbed her satchel before looking up to smile at me.

"Nearly six and the cutest thing in the world." Her face held a grin so tight I thought it might crack.

"Do you keep him often?"

"Oh no. I don't think I'd know what to do with him." I smiled at her and picked up my stuff to put in my bag. Checking my phone I had nothing from Bailey yet so I dropped it in too.

"Hey do you uhm, know of any good kid play places? I'm still adjusting to the city." She sat down at her desk.

"Oh yeah there's an indoor park on Venny st. just around the corner. Then there's a few Dave and Busters between here and Opal ave. Although if you've never been and you're with a kid, it's a little easy to get lost."

"Lost ?"

"I mean turned around. Two sides look almost exactly the same." She gave an understanding look that was then interrupted by a knock. She barely had time to call out before it was propelled open and the cutest tiny human was yelling her name enthusiastically.

"AUNTIE SYD!!!" 'Syd' then stood quickly and welcomed the boy with open arms.

"Sorry I tried to get him to wait but he's been sleeping all day. So..PLAY TIME!!" A brunette with familiar eyes winced, smiling, and hoping for an understanding answer.
Her dressing was not at all similar to Ms. Carter's as everything fit a little looser. Definitely more hippie-ish and I loved it.

"Oh that's alright Elisa I always love seeing my favorite guy." Her smile remained wide as she brushed her fingers through the boy's curly mane who rested his head on her hip. I was beginning to feel a little awkward when she glanced my way.
"OH Liz, this is Payton, my star student. Payton, this is my sister Elisa." We finally made eye contact as she shook my hand.

"Good to finally meet 'the star' in person." I chuckled bringing a hand up to my stomach.

"Well I wouldn't say star." My answer seemed satisfactory enough so I turned my attention toward the boy. I crouched to his level as he hid behind Ms. Carter's small frame.

"And who might you be?" He looked up at his aunt, my teacher, who nodded.

"Oliver." Except he had a lisp so it came out more like "olivaw". Sooo adorable.

"Well it's nice to meet you Oliver." I held out my hand for his little hand to shake.
Moving toward me by pushing the woman in front of him forward until her legs were almost touching my knees, he held out a confident hand which I took.
He looked me straight in my eyes and smiled a toothless smile, and I smiled back before getting back up.
Both women looked at me with a little bit of shock.

"What?" While Elisa stood as still as a mountain, my teacher broke from the light trance.

"How did you do that?" My eyebrows connected with confusion.

"What do you mean, talk to him?" His mom seemed almost back and spoke up.

"Oliver—he has autism. He, usually doesn't like people. Even his grandfather can't get him to interact." Now I was just as shocked as they were.
The bell rang loud above us and the small, curly headed boy shrunk to the floor.

"Do you work with kids?" I nodded and grabbed my phone from my bag.

"Yeah. I teach little ones how to swim. We do a lot of water therapy as well."

"Are you serious, you never told me that?!" I laughed at her shock and shrugged my shoulders.

"You never asked." I was looking up the number to the front desk there and wrote down the number to give to Elisa.

"Here. You call that number and ask for Charlie, she and I work the same schedule. If I'm not available you can trust that she's just as good as I am."

"That's so nice of you, thank you so much!!" She smiled brightly but there was a little bit of worry in her face.

"Don't be nervous. I assume you haven't taught him because of his disorder, but we even have classes for children with special needs. That's the class I'm responsible for and I can assure you, he'd fit right in." I looked down at him again and seen him playing with his mom's gold bangle bracelets. Completely content.

"That's what I love about kids." The women both looked at the small boy as I was.

"They're so curious." Sydney chimed in.

"And easily entertained." We all laughed and I looked at the time.
Damn, he's gonna kill me.
"Uh oh, looks like I'm gonna be in trouble when I run into Bailey. I've got to go"— I threw on my bag and smiled at the near twins.

"Elisa it was was so nice meeting you, and Ms. Carter—I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled although I thought I seen her blush a little, but payed no mind to it. So I said my goodbyes to Oliver and left to go to my car.
Cringing at the sight of Bailey, with his arms crossed.
"Where were you?! I left you like 60 messages!!!!" I smirked.

"Get in the car or I will leave your ass here." Needless to say we both drove back to my apartment, peacefully.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now