Chapter 3~

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Ms. Carter's p. O. v.
"Hello 5th hour my name is Ms. Carter, and I'll be your English Lit. teacher for this new year."

My eyes flickered briefly out into the crowd of hungry eyes placed on me.
And that's when I saw her—the woma-girl that helped me earlier. By the way she had talked to me earlier I would've thought she were an adult.
We locked eyes for a moment and she gave me a small smile.
I would've smiled back but I was too busy feeling mortified, I acted so weird earlier you would've thought the roles were reversed.
I pressed on anyway. The sooner we can get this first day out of the way, the sooner we can work on more important things.
"Now since we'll be together for an entire year I figure we should get to know each other a little better. I'll go first and then I'll have you go around and say your name or nickname, age, and two interesting facts about yourself. One about me is that I'm new to the city and another is that I just bought a cat. Now, I want you all to go around with your facts and then I have a short little activity at the end. How about you start um let's see...oh Marcus?"

I looked down at the chart and to a random boy in the front row, he huffed and stood up to say his facts and I tried hard to pay attention to all of them as they went around. I even wrote them down near their names on my chart.
But as they talked I could feel her really staring at me, it's like her energy shaking into me—
I looked up at her and figured she got the message as she soon was looking at the new person talking. So I took that opportunity to get a good look at her this time. She looked really well put to together, like if I seen her out somewhere I'd definitely assume she has her life together. But who really does, right ?
Her black curly hair was in a bun like earlier but I hadn't noticed her grey eyes. In the moment I guess I thought they were blue.
And her face is kind of, perfect.
I mean the balance, like her face is slim but her freckled cheeks are full. Almond eyes that compliment the color so well. Her nose however, was Greek. Or maybe Italian.
Narrow but small. But balanced her out perfectly. It's like she was actually chiseled out of stone.

I heard there's a lot you can tell about a person based on their features. Not just their faces either.
Just then I was pulled out of my thoughts by her eyes, and realized quickly I'd been staring and looked down at the desk I was perched at. Looking around the room I found everyone had gone and it was now her turn.

Payton's P. o. V.
I could feel her eyes on me, although I didn't mind.
I looked up at her and she looked down at her desk then at a student who was talking. Almost hiding behind her fringe.
Then it was my turn and her eyes weren't back on me until I started talking.
"My name is Payton Clarke, I'm eighteen, I write, and I like to lift." I decided on nothing too interesting, no one really needs to know my business. Considering I won't even be speaking to half of them once this year is up.

She started talking about a worksheet we were being given to complete by tomorrow. It was just a writing prompt on the front and a little fill in the blank about ourselves on the back. She asked us if we had any questions before she passed the sheet out, and of course there were many. I heard one kid ask if she was single, which is of course on brand with the type of students that go here. Always in someone else's business.
But she was really very sweet and laughed it off, still answering, yes.
She was also asked about her cat, and she was all too excited to share.
"She's a white munchkin and her name is Luna. "—I just couldn't take my eyes off this woman, her demeanor and body language were so hard not to smile at. It wasn't just her actual body, which was also exceedingly perfect. Or her face. It was the way she spoke to them all. It wasn't like she was trying to be overly cool with her students, she just was.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now