Chapter 19~

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I was on my way back home shortly after 5 o'clock but I needed to pick up some more cleaning supplies and groceries so I made the detour. I parked when I got there and grabbed my wallet laving my phone in my glove compartment then walked in. Heading straight for the water and juice isle, I grab two packs of six core water and got some more orange juice.
Nearly 15 minutes later I'd gotten almost everything on my list. I just have to swerve past some people to get to the coffee and tea isle because there was a big sale nearby. When I got there I stood looking at the coffee and the filters kinda paralyzed with thought when I felt something light tap on the ground by my foot. I turned around and the girl behind me had dropped a bar of chocolate and hadn't noticed. She was turned around so I tapped her.

"Hey you dropped this." She turned around and froze when she saw me. Amanda.
I just immediately put the bar in her basket, grabbed my coffee, and walked straight to the self-check out line. When I tell you I've never paid for groceries so fast. I just sat in my car for a while, after I put the groceries in the trunk, breathing like I'd just run a marathon until I finally snapped back into reality.
I didn't expect to act the way I did especially considering I left her. I guess it was just the shock of seeing her again after so long but I'm over it now. I seen her, she seen me, I felt nothing, she probably felt guilty. End of story.
I put the thought out of my head and figured after I put the groceries away I would go work out.
When I got back home I put everything away and changed into my gym clothes before I left back out. I got in my car and drove to my gym to get out of my head for an hour or two then I would call Bailey.
Ms. Carter's p. O. v.
I stretched out my tired muscles and curled back up into myself. There is nothing I'd rather do than share a bed with someone right now. I look at my sister's relationships with olive and Tony and it's nothing but pure love. I've never been able to keep up with relationships because I was always moving before I could make a real one. Her and Tony actually met in college so by then she was legally an adult and had her own place to settle down in.

I have a cat, and that's nothing compared to a person. But maybe it won't always be this way.
I decided to quit being so sad and to finally do something productive. So I got up out of bed, brushed my teeth, then went downstairs to feed Luna. I haven't even had her long yet she's already growing at a good pace. I'll probably get her trained.

Anyway, I made her food then got dressed to go to the grocery store. I needed a lot actually, food wise. So when I got dressed I grabbed my reusable bags, because plastic is wasteful, and my wallet before jotting off to my car.
It took me a little while because of traffic but when I made it I grabbed a cart and went down the isles I needed to get my stuff. I was about halfway done when I stopped to get more bread from the bakery section, right next to the teas and coffee. I put a loaf in my basket then turned left toward one of the isles and saw Payton. I was just about to walk toward her but she scurried off before I could say hi so I just continued on until I was finish.
I left with my bags.

I'd gotten dinner items to last me a month but knowing me it'll probably last a month and a half because I hate throwing things away or wasting it.
But I've been recently inspired to do more with my free time. Such as cooking and taking up a new hobby, like sculpting or something. I always loved making things with my hands and creating uniqueness so it is kind of perfect for me.
My classes start Monday after 5 and I signed up to do them every three days which gives me lots of time to still be on my school schedule.
If you can call it that.
I got home a few hours later and put everything away as soon as I got in. It's about 8 now though and I've started to get a little hungry so I scrolled online for a while looking for the perfect easy dish that doesn't require meat.
In addition to my new found hobby I'm also going vegetarian.
I think maybe then I'll be able to eat more and feel less bad about it.

When I found a quick recipe, I got started.
And as it turns out cooking is easier than I thought, even if I did burn myself.

I was finally finished with the fettuccine pasta and set my bowl down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
I ate while watching a show and tried not to think about school. How I miss the quiet halls in the morning already and the shuffling in them at break.
My students filling my classroom and being immediately seated even if I'm not in yet.

These kids have a surprising amount of respect for me and it's only been the first week, but I am working on them seeing me as more of an artistic advisor than a teacher. I'm only a couple years older than most of them after all.

Tired cannot begin to describe what I am.
So I turned off the lights and went to bed. Wiggling my way out of my pants, throwing them elsewhere and tapping the floor for the cat. It's become her calling sound.
When I heard her little feet pad through the door and scurry to me I lifted her up and next to me. She snuggled next to my face and I relaxed myself trying to clear out and put away my thoughts for the most part. I still hoped the weekend would bring Monday a little early.

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