Chapter 25~

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I told myself this day would only get worse.
Not could—certainly would.
After second hour I actually had a panic attack for the first time in months. Now all I want to do is climb under a rock and sleep for two days at how exhausted I am. You know what though, I'm not even gonna stay.
Yup that's right. I'm rushing out of here as soon as I get my chance.

I could actually feel her eyes as they glazed over my fidgeting self. The curiosity covered thickly with agitation at not being able to just pull me out and force me to talk.
The minutes only ticked away slower and I was preparing myself for the inevitable. I was lucky enough to grab a seat in the back of the room, but from where she's sitting she's got perfect view of everyone.
I guess it's not all bad because she does, respectfully, look incredibly attractive when she's angry.
For a teacher I mean.
Although I should probably stop ogling her because I can actually hear my heart beating now.
Then the inevitable came: Ding Ding Di-

I was out of there before she had a chance to find me in the crowd.
Students flooding the hallway from every direction. Then I felt a hand grab mine just as I reached the door.
"Hey I have a ride, but I'll be over later tonight." It was just Bailey and I nodded to him as I walked the rest of the way to my car.
As soon as I did get in I let my head fall onto the steering wheel, accidentally honking the horn. I was so annoyed at this point I just let it beep.
There was a knock on my passenger window, assuming it was Bailey changing his mind, even though he had another class, I stupidly unlocked the car and whoever it was got in.
"Rough day?"  How lovely.
At this moment I knew the whole world wanted to see me run a red light.
My head shot up so fast I almost gave myself whiplash. Low and behold it was Sydney, in my car, in the passengers seat.
"What are you doing in here?? Isn't this like against the rules or something." She gave me a look.

"Oh please. I mean against my own personal rules sure, but the school's ? HA. They're still letting a perv walk around AND teach classes. Trust me when I say this is the absolute least of their concern." I gave her a surprised nod.

"That's a very good point."
At this moment I had only noticed now that she had on her coat and had her satchel sat in her lap.

"We going somewhere?" I saw her smirk just in the slightest as she shifted her weight to face me more.
I think I might always remember this moment especially to be vivid because when she did put her bag on the floor and face me— one leg over the other—in that moment she looked so different to me. Not that she was any less breathtaking, or even that her physical person had changed. But it was like seeing a caterpillar transform into a butterfly except in this case it would be like seeing her act like a regular person. Even if we've had more 'in depth' per se, moments. In this moment in time she looks like she's inwardly drowned but outwardly posed, for an audience, or for me, but posed none the less.
"Nope. Just coming to check on you. You ok to drive?" That's what almost made me laugh.

"Yeah I'm just fine." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" I smirked leaning my head back against my seat and nodded slowly at her.
She nodded back and tried to cover up her concern with a joke.

"Cause you look like hell if I'm honest." She grinned beginning to laugh and I joined her.

"Yeah yeah so funny now get outta my car before you get yourself in trouble." She bit her lip trying to contain herself and nodded.

"By who?" I grinned.

"Oh by me of course."

"Oh so now I'm in trouble?? I told YOU to stay behind after class and you ran away. Now who's in trouble?"
I pretended to look at someone closely, out the window behind her.

"Well it looks like you will be in a second if the principal sees you in here."
Now when I tell you the look on her face was priceless. She actually ducked down.

"WHERE??" It sounded like she was legitimately terrified and she looked up at me in the exact moment I started laughing.
She gasped and hit my arm as she sat up. Her face flushed a nice shade and she crossed her arms, beginning to pout. It was probably the most awesome thing I've seen today.

"Ok that was so not cool." She spoke in that low striking tone, making me feel just a little bad.

"Ok ok I'm sorry that was uncalled for, truce?" I held out my hand to her. She eyed it for a minute before taking it to shake.

"Truce—now what are you taking. I'm asking as a mere acquaintance here." I smiled at her nosiness and sighed.

"It's just my anxiety medication, nothing big. Not drugs—well none that get you high anyway." She leaned back a little as her face held elation.

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" I scoffed.

"What am I supposed to say, hi my name's Payton and when I don't take my meds I can't talk like a normal person. No. Because that's just not school conversation."
After that she paused for a moment and rested her head on the seat, looking down at our hands I'd just realized were still connected. I could tell she didn't want me to let go, so I didn't.
Neither feeling the need to break the thick silence that enclosed us, and it was quiet for a long while.
Then the rain started to pour down.
"I should go." She spoke in a slow and raspy tone.

"It's raining. I'll drive you to your car."
Sydney nodded slowly and I turned on the car with my free hand. I looked at her for just another moment before I pulled up next to her car, near her driver's side door.
Her hand still held firmly in mine, even tighter now that she knew it was time to go.
I brung her hand up and kissed it gently, letting go. Sighing softly she grabbed her satchel and got out of my car and into her own, not looking back as she drove home.
But I couldn't bring myself to do the same as I sat there in shock. Not for at least another ten minutes before I force myself to drive away and back to my apartment.
Where I'd happily sleep for a year given the chance.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now