Chapter 8~

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Payton's P. o. V.
Groaning I roll over feeling a kick in my side, by who I assume to be Bailey. So I end up rolling out of bed and onto the hard wood floor that covers the extent of my brownstone.
"Damnit" I grumble to myself and reach up for my phone to check the time.
"DAMNIT" We were supposed to leave like 20 minutes ago. I start waking up B and pull myself up off the floor, into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I hand him his toothbrush and tell him to get up.

"What time is it?? Why are we rushing?!" He pulls himself out of my bed and brushes his teeth quickly, spitting in the sink as I pull on some grey sweats. I leave on the loose shirt I wore to bed last night, it was black so I went with it along with my black converse.

"We're rushing because we have 15 minutes to get to school, WITH TRAFFIC." I had to yell the last part as I put my curly black hair in a messy bun and made our coffee, while he dug through my closet for something to wear.
He's been over here too many times to count so he has his own clothes here, but I can't seem to keep them in the guest room. Every time I think they're all in there I see another pair of briefs in my underwear drawer, and end up getting them confused with mine. Most days, like today, I just like to be a little more casual so I wear a fair amount of guy's underwear, socks, and hoodies. That's why I don't mind much when our clothes aren't separate.
He comes out with one of my hoodies on and a pair of light jeans with the white vans he came over here with.
I don't have time to say anything about my hoodie and he knows it so I just hand him his coffee as we rush out, grabbing our bags and my phone before locking the door and sprinting to my car.
We get there about five minutes before the final bell rings.
Let's just say if the cops here weren't busy getting donuts and coffee I would've gotten about three tickets for the way I drove today, and I'm usually a great driver.
I give Bailey a quick hug and ruffle his damp hair before walking to my first class. We just barely escaped the rain.

"Byeee mommm." I hear him say as he walks away and I blow him kisses back. I make it to my first class on time and pray that this day will go as quick as my morning.

Bailey's p. o. v.
: : : : : : : : : : : :
I say goodbye to my mom bestie and head to my first boring class of the day. Lord help me now, Mr. Bare better be lucky I have my coffee or I swear I would be falling asleep in his class again. I know I know, I shouldn't be sleeping. It's what Payton always tells me, more like scolds me for but she understands when I do if I was working on a project or my parents were out and I decided to stay up and wait for them. I watch all the crime shows so I know what happens to people, I'm paranoid as hell that someone is just gonna choose my house for convenience.
Ugh god let me stop, I need to focus. But I don't know who would want to focus on anything with math FIRST HOUR—who made my schedule. Like I know I'm not a fighter or anything but—whoever decided to F up mine and give me math AND science first in the morning wanted me to fail and they need to be rocked for real.
...and that's on school dropouts.
Whatever though, I ended up finishing before everybody else so I just hang out on my phone for the rest of the hour. I may be inclined to drop out everyday, but I manage to make it through every day. I know my math..I just hate doing it. Ugh but on to the next four other boring classes. Wish me luck.

Ms. Carter's p. O. v.
A sigh escapes me after trying not to breathe so heavily. I was nearly running into the school building. I'm late and even though I know the students get here at around this time, I still consider it late. I'm kind of a stickler for time.
When I get to my classroom I find no one standing around yet so I take it as an accomplishment and unlock it. I place my satchel under my desk, and my tea on it. Then tuck my umbrella in a drawer.
I can't really do coffee because I always manage to make it too bitter at home so tea was my better option. Chamomile isn't that bad I guess, but maybe I should just go with hot chocolate next time.
Just as I finished that thought the bell to tell the students to disperse into the classrooms rang and my students came flooding in.

I start to erase the assignment on the board for my third hour, and I hear laughter behind me. I had my students work in groups which means that all the talkative girls and guys hung with each other and the others just hung back on their phones. Which I don't necessarily mind, when they've done their work. But all in all there aren't many people in this hour, maybe 20-ish. So I usually don't have to worry about things like class clowns or anything like that.
I look back to find the laughter is coming from a small group of boys watching a video on one of their phones, I brush it off knowing I'm just being paranoid and go back to erasing the board. Before I know it the bell is ringing and my next hour comes in while I'm writing their agenda. Thank the goddesses for this being my last hour. I sit back down and wait for the next bell before handing back their graded papers and starting my lecture.

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