Chapter 28~

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Payton's P. o. V.
Soooooo—it's your girl's birthday. It came sooner than I was expecting but I'll take it.

Bailey's parents just got back, a little sooner than we thought, and I think we're just gonna do a little movie night type thing.
Bailey ended up pushing his party back to Halloween, and that's in about four days so we have more than enough time to figure out how he's going to hide a shit ton of party stuff—oh and the party—all from his parents.
He keeps trying to convince me to have it at my place, but there's no way I'm about to have a townhouse full of drunk people at the same place I live. I'd never get the stains off the wall and I'm not interested in losing my security deposit.
As of right now I'm sitting in AP psychology, literally on my birthday.
I am the most responsible person on earth and no one can tell me otherwise. I made the educated decision to get out of my comfortable bed to come here. I should be given an award.

However I don't think I'll have the effort to stay here very long.

Sydney's p. O. v.
I decided that I needed more space and definitely something more comfortable so I've been looking at brownstones as of lately.
I've also been writing a lot more, and by a lot more I mean everything I feel at any time during the day. If it changes at least.
I think it'll help me realize that some things are better left unsaid and rather felt, and—dealt with quietly.

'I just feel as if someone should knock some sense into me, but I can't not be able to feel anymore. It's making me too tired.'

Those were the last lines I wrote in my tiny book and kept it in the center of my desk. I closed it then placed a few papers over it as my students began to flush in.
I stood and cleared the board and as usual I felt a few eyes lower than they should've been.
I mean I am teaching a senior class right now, but when will people learn that they can't just gaze at someone with such inappropriate motives. I shifted around and walked slowly to my desk catching the few eyes that were staring when I realized Payton wasn't here yet.
Just then, as if she could read minds she came in and let's just say it was a little hard to focus on just one thing now. She didn't bother explaining so I simply muttered out "you're late" as she walked past my desk. I didn't think she'd heard me until she mouthed "I know" with rolled eyes when she got to her desk. My class today was already a bit rowdy so it didn't matter much to them. Either way I needed to get started and I couldn't keep things tied up any more than I already have.
"Alright, alright. Settle down. It's time to actually do work." I heard a few groans.
"Yeah yeah well as soon as I get you all started on this assignment the sooner we can get you out of here. Now because we're running a little ahead of some of my other classes we won't have lecture today. Instead we're gonna vote. We could either do some Halloween crosswords and I give you extra credit if you show up on Halloween wearing a costume, or you can create presentations on one thing you're excited about for Halloween and present them then. Which would mean you have a free day tod"— before I could finish my sentence they seemed to have made up their minds. About half of the class wanted the free day and the other half wanted to dress up for extra credit so I just combined the two.

"Ok settle down. How about this. We can have a free day today. But that just means that on Halloween not only will you have to show up in a costume for 20 extra credit points, but you will have to give a presentation on your costume." So for the rest of class they ended up talking about what they were gonna wear and while they were doing that I managed to finish some work from other classes. Not counting the lack of focus. 

At some point I think she felt me staring and she looked up, right into my eyes. I felt like she was drawing me in and getting ready to devour me with that look and I couldn't help but fidget in my chair.
~talk about inappropriate motives.

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