Chapter 10~

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Payton's P. o. V.
I spent the night over at Bailey's. His parents have an extra bedroom which they've let me put some of my stuff in which I appreciate greatly. At this point they're apart of my family, even my parents love him and his parents. They met again when my parents came down to see how I was settled into new life in my own place, and caught up again.
We all used to live in Seattle but they decided they wanted to move my junior year so we made a deal. They could move and I could become for independent. Even though my dad fought me the whole way.
But that's what I did. I work as a swim instructor, sort of. It's more like water therapy. The kids are incredibly cute and for the area the parents are often mostly sweet and understanding.
I work in the high and wealthy part of town so it does pay good money but sometimes it comes with parents who find their phones more interesting than their children. The people I work with are also pretty cool.

We were about to get going until I remembered our coffee. Since we were pretty early I told bailey to wait a minute. His parents were still sleeping so they weren't in the kitchen like usual.
His mom has to be in her early 40's and his dad as well but they both still look young. His dad has a good amount of muscle to his dark skin and keeps his hair at a low fade. He's pretty handsome if I'm honest, with structure to his jaw and cheekbones. He has to be around 6 feet.
His mom is more petite at around 5'4" with wavy, honey blonde, hair and green eyes. She has a nice toned figure as well since they work out together.
They are the sweetest and most adorable couple.
I go to the kitchen and grab our thermoses and heat up the pot until it's ready. I grab an extra one I had in my car, and wash it before I fill that one up too.
I set one down next to B because he was too busy on the phone with Arthur and sweeten the extra one up.
I grab them both and start heading for the door.

Bailey yells and I can't contain my laughter.
I sing out and Bailey giggles walking to the door. The house layout really reminds me of The Fosters, but with modern furniture and the stairs don't have an open way to the kitchen.
We leave out and start toward the school, or I do anyway, he's all cuddled up to his phone right now so I just put some music on. Not too loud to ruin his conversation but enough for me to hear. But we arrive to school a short while after. His house is closer to the school than mine is.
I park and put my hair it's a ponytail since my curls are really going crazy today and he hangs his phone up with an 'I love you'.

"Wow I thought you'd be permanently glued to that phone. I was about to call your mom to come and remove it."His mom is a general surgeon. His dad is a doctor as well, but he's an immunologist. He's how I found out I'm allergic to shellfish. Let's just say my introduction to it at their house didn't go so well and they ended up having to stick me with an epi pen before I died on their floor.

"Har har you're so funny."

"Ha thanks for the ego boost." I smile at him playing his sarcastic game and he smiles as well, getting out of the car. We begin walking toward the school and say our goodbyes once we enter, just like every day.
I decided that I might as well get rid of the extra coffee. So I head to Ms. Carter's room as I'd put my stuff in my first hour seat. I know no one will be stupid enough to touch it there.

Ms. Carter's p. O. v.
This morning has been hectic already. Luna was so clingy this morning. I'm hoping I won't have to take her to the vet.
I just got in my classroom and immediately I'm bombarded with the presence of someone else in my space.
And I'm really not a morning person.

He's the one who tried to ask me out when I came to see my room before the school year started. I politely told him I'd think about it.
But I was just trying to get back to my class quickly, I should've told him I wasn't interested but I just hate to let people down.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now