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Getting off the stage as the sound of clapping faded, I walked away from Drake who was swallowed by Adam and the other guys there.

"My ears were just blessed!" Nate exclaimed when I reached the table,

"Really, that was amazing, A! I didn't know you could play guitar." Alex said.

"Thank you, I play a little and that was barely anything." I said, scratching the back of my ear.

"Bullshit. She plays so well! Cole and she won the award for the best instrumental duo in freshman year." Taylor said to them.

"Okay, enough of that. I need my food." I interrupted,

"Well, of course. We got you a fruit salad and water." My best friend said. My eyes widened and jaw dropped dramatically, "You did WHAT?"

"She's kidding. You can't even get a salad here, anyway. Here are your fries, pizza, and iced tea." Alex said, pushing a navy blue food tray towards me.

"You looked like you were going to have a stroke- what happened?" Drake asked as he took a seat in front of me.

"Taylor told A that she got a salad for her instead of, 'actual food'." Ava explained, making Drake laugh.

"Hey A, can I talk to you for a second?" Dylan asked a few minutes later, getting up and coming to stand behind me. I took a breath as I thanked goodness. I nodded and got up from where I was sitting as we walked out of the place and away from the sound.

"I'm sorry." We both blurted together. Laughing, he beckoned me to speak first.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have looked into your phone that day."

"And I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. This whole thing is still a bit new to me and I was scared." He said, softly.

"So you're uh-,"

"Bi, yeah. At least I think so." He confirmed.

"How long have you known?" I wondered out loud.

"I have been doubting it since last year. More like when I saw Alex for the first time. Oh, also add the actors my sister fan-girls over."

"You have met Alex before we went to the fair?" I asked, surprised.

"I talked to him once during practice when he was on a video call with Chris." He said, smiling at the memory. No wonder Alex called him a competitive jock when we met at the fair, I recalled.

"So, you guys are dating?"

"Kind of. We're testing the waters; barely been two weeks." He took a pause as his eyes wandered to his hands. He looked a little vulnerable when he asked, "Astrid, do you think of me any differently now?"

I took a step towards him. "Nothing will ever change the way I think about you, Dylan. You are one of my best friends and I love you. I am so proud of you and also honoured that you shared this with me." Then, I remembered how I got to know about him - by snooping. I scratched the back of my ear.

"It's fine, A. Whatever happened, happened." He spoke up, reading my thoughts.

"So we're okay?" I asked nervously to which he replied by pulling me in for a hug. We moved away when we saw the others coming out towards their cars too.

"Just don't tell anyone about it. You're the only one who knows and I'm neither comfortable nor sure enough to come out yet."

"Are we interrupting something?" Drake asked, his question directed towards me.

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now