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"Astrid, is that you?"

That particular voice was getting more familiar as each day passed. I turned to see a tall figure approaching. His jet black hair looked messed up, and his eyes tired.

"I thought you left already."

"Nah, I accidently took Hannah's car keys thinking that they were mine. On reaching the parking lot, I realised that I didn't even bring the car today." he shrugged and I chuckled. I strained my neck to look up and offer him a cookie.

"Oh. Want some?"

"No, I'm good"



"No, I'm good." I declined her offer politely,

"Your loss; these are the best you can get." she shrugged, taking a bite of the eatable. "These, right here, are pieces of heaven in my hands." She continued with emphasis. 

I raised my eyebrow in question, "You sure?"

"Of course." she said confidently, taking another bite of the piece of heaven in her hand, as she puts it. She clearly hasn't eaten the ones I can bake.

She was sitting on the lowest stair, a skateboard on her left and the package of cookie on her right. Upper half of her chestnut brown hair were held by a thin band while the rest fell on her shoulders. She didn't look half bad under the moonlight that illuminated the left side of her face. Before I could go further, I remembered one of the reasons I came when I noticed her.

"Are you free tomorrow?" I asked, and she looked up, a tiniest bit of scowl on her face.

"Can you just sit down? You're tall already, plus you're standing on the last step. And I? I'm sitting here on the first step trying to eat my favourite cookie. I have to look so up-,"

"Alright, just don't bite my ear off just because I'm tall." She looked so cute when she was like this. Wait a sec-,

"I'm not doing it because you're tall. It's because I'm sitting on the first step from the ground, and you're standing five steps above me. Wait! I'm not-," her eyebrows furrowed before realisation set on her face. I chuckled internally. I sat beside her with my legs sprawled on the ground in front of me, like her.



"I'm not doing it because you're tall. It's because I'm sitting on the first step from the ground, and you're standing five steps above me. Wait! I'm not-,"

I stopped myself when I realised that I was actually answering more than required. It wasn't even extra information; it was whole other context. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh. So that's Buggy?" he asked while pointing towards the object on her left side.

"Bucky." I corrected,

"Yeah, that. Do you know how to ride it or will go around crashing into people like the other day?"

"I don't know how to ride it, to be honest. I just like to carry it around. Showing off, you know?" I tried to say it sincerely while looking down and, for a moment there, he actually seemed to believe it. However, not even two seconds later, a scowl graced his face as I burst out laughing.

"Of course I know how to ride it, you dolt."

"Dolt? Are you for real?" he asked, his scowl replaced with amusement and the 'are- you- for- real?' expression.

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now