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One year and some days later

I tried not to jump in excitement as I fixed my red dress, waiting for the doorbell to ring.

"Aw, look at that smile." Taylor teased as she came out of the bathroom, ready for the night. She arrived in town two days back, but we didn't get a chance to meet. Wanting to send some time together before meeting the others at the Christmas Eve party, we decided to get ready at her house.

"Excited to meet him after, what, four months?" she asked, standing beside me. I nodded, tapping my feet in anticipation. 'Where in the world is this guy?' I wondered.

The last time we saw each other – me and Drake – was four months ago when we left for university. He got accepted in one of the best music schools and also got offered by his aunt , Natalie, to live with her which had started to bring her and his dad closer too. 

I, on the other hand, enrolled in med school two hours from home. It wasn't exactly long distance since our universities were only three hours away by road and we could see each other once every month or two, but it wasn't the same.

First few days away from each other were all good and busy before the distance started catching up to us. We started texting back and forth whenever we had time between classes and used to video call almost every night. Mostly, neither were these calls long nor did we talk during them; we just looked at each before one of us yawned and we decided to sleep. University really exhausts the hell out of you when you are new, I noticed.

"You know Tay, people say that you get used to the feeling of being away or being in a long distance relationship, but I don't think that can be the case for me- I don't think I could get used to not being with him." I told her, half sitting on the dressing table, facing away from the mirror. She nodded before saying cheekily- "Can't say I relate though."

I grinned, happy for my friends- "You and Cole are really lucky that you got into the same university. Ugh, why couldn't Drake and I get into universities at least in the same city or town?"

"Because there isn't a good med school where Drake is now." She repeated the well-known information to me. Cole and Taylor's relationship came as a shock when I got to know about it last year, which it really shouldn't have with how obvious it was.

I couldn't believe my eyes when my parents and I went to Cole's for Christmas dinner and I found Taylor there. I sat through the dinner feeling confused and a little mad that they didn't tell me. Two of my closest friends were dating and they never mentioned it once. 

Once our parents shifted to the living room to talk, we went to Cole's room and they explained that they didn't want to risk our friendship because if they were to break up in the future, they didn't want me to get caught up between them.

I took a few minutes to digest the news before pulling them into a hug excitedly, "Yay!"

I was called out of my flashback by the honking of a car outside. I jumped up giddily and rushed out of the room.

"Patience, A." Taylor laughed as she checked herself for the last time before following me to the stairs that ended near the door.

I stopped for a second to stare at him. He wore a black blazer and a red shirt which matched my dress. His hairstyle was a little changed, making him look even more attractive. He took a step forward and extended his hand towards me as his face grew into a small smile. I thanked myself for wearing flats because as soon as I met his brownish black orbs, without thinking, I flew past the stairs and threw myself at him. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist as he took two steps back to not lose balance.

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