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So who is ready for a sneak peak inside Drake's mind? Yes!! We have a little bit from his side too in this chapter! 

Who is excited?!

I also wanted to inform you of the little changes I made- Alex has now been introduced in some earlier chapters too, instead of Chapter 13.

I have a question at the end, so meet you there. Until then, happy reading :D


"Pay up. I told you they were together!" Alex exclaimed, jumping up from his seat.

"I thought they were going to take more time to make it official!" Dylan said back.

"They have been literally inseparable the entire time that we've been here." His boyfriend pointed out.

"They have been like this all the time since the past few days."

"Uh, we kind of got together two weeks back." Nate interrupted, making all of us look at him.

"What did I miss?" Tay asked, as she came back to the table after doing goodness knows what.

"A lot." I said, followed by another answer from Chris.

"Nothing special except Nate and Ava are officially dating and that Alex and Dylan bet on them." he explained.

"Oh cool, who won?" She asked excitedly. Ava's jaw dropped.

"I did." Alex raised his hand in victory. Before anyone could add anything, Cole spoke up-

"Wow. I don't talk to Ms. Snow White for a week and this happens. I'm happy for you, Nate and Ava. Princess, I'll talk to you later but can you hand the phone to Tay?" I nodded and handed the device to where it was asked.

She got up and left the place for some privacy. I turned to Nate who was talking to Ava in hushed whispers.

"It's one thing for Ava to keep secrets but Nate, you surprised me for sure." Dylan noted, and others hummed in agreement.

"We needed a little time to ourselves to see where this was headed and see if it would work out or not." He said, shrugging.

"So now do you think it would work?" I asked. He smiled and pulled Ava towards him, kissing her cheek. That make her eyes widen and cheeks turn red.

"Aww." I cooed along with Chris and Alex.

"Aw look, our tomato-faced friend is back." Tay teased, returning.

"And look whose mood turned around." Nate commented back, as Ava hid in her boyfriend's neck. Tay and I laughed at her.

"Who wants another round of ice cream?" Alex asked as he and Dylan got up to get more. Everyone's hand shot up lazily.

We spent rest of our time walking around and taking pictures before catching the bus back in the evening.


It had been four days since she invited me to hang out with her friends at the Savy Lake; and I ended up being a jerk by refusing to go. I did go by her home later, but she had already left. I informed Alex a little too late about her invitation, but somehow he already knew of their plan. I was surprised that he agreed to go since he had been spending a lot of time with a guy he met some days ago; he refused to tell me who.

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