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"Ms. White, why am I seeing you here again? I thought we were well past this."

"We are!" I cut in, but in vain.

"It certainly did seem so in the past weeks. I was almost convinced that you learnt to behave, but then you decided show up again. How many times do we have to go over this?"

"Can you please listen to me once, Ms. Lewis?" I asked, almost exasperated and on the edge of the chair.

Let me explain. I was sitting in the teacher's cabin with Ms. Lewis, the teacher who gets handed other teachers' annoying students to scold or punish. And let's say, in my past years at high school, we had to gotten to know each other well. A little too well. 

Why? As my friends put it, I have too much energy and because of that I always rushed out of the classes after every period and resulted in knocking into people and tripping them, at many times. People that also happened to be teachers.

"Speak." She allowed.

"I swear I wasn't running in the hallways just for the sake of it-,"

"I wouldn't put it past you." The boy sitting beside me coughed, making me glare at him and stamp my shoe on his feet. I was glad there was a table between the teacher and us.

"Ouch! She just stepped on my feet." He complained. So the table clearly was clearly of no use when you were dealing with babies.

"Stop being a baby, Colin." I groaned, turning my neck to look up. Yes, Colin. Remember him? The dude because whom Dylan and I ended up 'dating'.

"Ms. White and Mr. Moreno, quit it."

"I apologize. However, as I was saying before this nincompoop-,"

"Hey!" Colin complained.

"Language, Ms White!"

I sighed. I had to get to the school clinic soon.

"All I am trying to say is that this will not happen again, and it wasn't meant to happen anyway if he didn't try to jump in front of me. He tried to scare me but got knocked into the locker himself- it was unintended. I was just going to find Drake when I heard his brother got hurt."

"Why were you informed instead of him?"

"Well, our whole group was informed in the cafeteria because Ryan's classmate couldn't find Drake."

"So how do you know where he is?" she questioned. It wasn't even much of her business!

"Ma'am, can I please leave? This won't happen again." Without letting her say anything, I got up and left.

I rushed and ran to the field, beside which the clinic was.

I entered and saw Ryan sitting on a chair and laughing with Drake and Chris, who were knelt beside the younger boy. If you paid attention, you could find tiny crinkles on the edge of Drake's eyes when he smiled so wide; you could only notice then with much attention though. My eyes shifted to the knee of Ryan, which was now covered with white bandage.

"Astrid!" Ryan squealed when he saw me, making me grin. Drake's gaze fell on me, making my cheeks warm up. After that night, it was the first time that we saw each other. I wasn't able to go to the rooftop since my parents were back after a long time and guess what? WE HAD A MOVIE NIGHT!

"Hey Astrid." He waved.

"Hey guys! What happened?" I asked, walking towards them. "I was racing with my friends on the running track when I tripped over a stone. I don't like that stone now. Or any stone. Stones make me trip." He said, frowning.

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now