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The place shown above is where their date takes place.

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You could say that my following evening was spent pacing in my bedroom. I had asked Astrid out for a date, but I had no clue where to take her. Before I turned into more of a nervous wreck – if wasn't already from all the pacing and hair pulling – I picked up the phone and called Alyssa, Alex's twin.

"Hey Drake. Did you finally remember to call me back?" she inquired as soon as she picked the call. I bit my tongue recalling her missed calls in the past two days.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I apologised.

"What is that I am hearing about you – the boy who was too involved in his music to pay attention to anyone, let alone girls- having a girlfriend?" She asked.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Yet." Alex joined in. "You should've seen these two being all cosy and hugging each other."

"Right, and that's coming out of your mouth. You and Dylan couldn't keep your hands off each other and don't you forget that permanent blush on your face." I shot back.

"Oh my god, his whole face is red now." His sister burst out laughing to which I shrugged. "I told you."

"Okay, okay. We were talking about Astrid and Drake." He grumbled, making me realise why I called.

"Yeah, about that- I need your help. I asked her out, but I have no clue what to do next. I want this to be special since it's our first date."

"Take her to somewhere you met the first time or someplace special to you both." Alex suggested. I shook my head before realising that they couldn't see me. "It was Jamie's where I first spoke to her. I don't want to take her there though and the rooftop- I mean, I want it different from our rest of the times together."

"So, make it extra special: decorate the place and make some nice dinner or something."

"Well, I do have a spot for you, but it would take some time to get there." Alyssa piped in.


"A lake outside the university campus. Mostly students use cycle to get there because of the track around it, but you aren't the exercising ty-,"

"No, it sounds perfect." I interrupted knowing that Astrid would love such a place. It was beautiful and we wouldn't just be sitting, at least most of the time.

"Really?" The siblings gasped from the other side. My ears reddened; that girl really pulled me out of my passive and couch potato self. By the time the call ended, I had most part of the date planned out. All that was left was to execute it. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, making me look down.

Astrid: What am I supposed to wear?

Me: Wear whatever you like, just let it be comfortable.

Astrid: Can I show up in my sweats?

Me: Sure.

Astrid: I was kidding!

Me: I am not.

Let me know if you're showing up in sweats though, I will wear them too.

Astrid: Yeah, not happening. See you then.

The time went by in a blur and the next thing I realised was that I had to pick her up in an hour. Sure, she could've just come here and we would've headed down together, but I wanted the date to go right- from going to her house to receive her to opening and closing doors of the car. I pulled on my shoes on as I checked my reflection for the last time before heading upstairs. I wore a white t-shirt and black jeans, as suggested by the twins.

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now