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Hey, I'm backkkk! Less than a week ago, I completed my exams and now I'm back to writing. Thank you for waiting for the new chapter so here you go! Happy reading :D


"Okay, I'm done with him." I said, snatching my back pack from the table and stepping out from between my friends.


"What's wrong?" Nate and Tay asked simultaneously.

"Nothing." I mumbled between gritted teeth and stomped out behind a specific tanned brown-eyed boy.

"Drake, hold up!" I shouted, making a few heads turn around except one. Yeah, watch the loud girl shout in a sparsely filled corridor, I thought. He finally stopped beside his locker, not sparing any glance until I was standing really close to him- something I didn't realise until later.

"What do you want, Astrid?" he asked in a low voice.

"Why are you avoiding me? You didn't even show up that night. How did things go with your parents? I was so worried after you didn't show up at the rooftop after reading my texts. You could've just said were not coming and not kept me waiting." I said, not stopping for a breath while throwing my hands in the air at the same time as if it was helping to prove my point.

His eyes widened slightly, before going back to normal. I didn't know what normal was anymore.

"I'm sorry about that. I thought you would be tired from all the boyfriend revealing that took place in school to come stay up with me on an uncomfortable rooftop."

"What boyfri- oh." I said, as the realisation sunk in. I couldn't explain how opposite I felt that night. I wanted to talk to him and reassure myself that- I don't even know what I wanted to reassure myself. I just wanted to talk to him and stay there in the comfort of his mere presence. How pathetic am I to need so much from a guy I met only three months back and who doesn't even like me back, I wondered.

"But I always show up there, don't I?"

"Honestly, I know I shouldn't care but for some reason I felt bad. I shouldn't care that you have a boyfriend but it was so sudden-," Drake looked into my eyes intensely, as if trying to dig up my deepest secret and the negligible distance didn't help.

"You know what? Never mind. I'll see you later, I have a class." He said, shutting his locker door and beginning to walk away from me.

I stood there for a second before I blurted out without thinking-,

"We are going kayaking near Savy Lake tomorrow. I'm pretty sure Chris knows by now, so would you and Alex like to come too?"

He halted in his steps and looked back with sigh. "I have a shift tomorrow but I'll let Alex know. Thanks for the invite."

Feeling a little drop in my heart, I didn't point out how I never mentioned the timing. I nodded to the empty spot where he stood earlier and walked towards the exit.

I sent a quick text in the group informing the others about me skipping last class. I plugged in ear pods I bought recently and started walking. I went to the building lobby and dropped my school bag there before starting to jog. Any physical activity like running, jogging, skateboarding, or dancing always worked like a stress reliever.

Wearing joggers had been a blessing since I didn't have to go change. Sure, climbing stairs would've been fun, but two way trip to the fifth floor was too much work- even for me.

The next morning, I, along with my friends, stood on the bus stop waiting for a bus to Savy Lake which was an hour away.

"Hey A, you interested in telling me why Alex is walking towards us?" Dylan whispered, bending down sideways to match my height.

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now