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Hey guys!!  Who is excited?!


"Dylan! I am done! I want a break up!" I shouted, banging my locker shut and walking down the buzzing corridor.

"A! At least tell me what happened!"

Away from our confused friends, we continued our way towards the exit.

"For the past month and a half, I swear Drake has avoided every situation where the two of us are alone except when he has no choice but to stay. I hate this so much! Here, I am falling for hi-,"

"You are what?!" Dylan asked, loudly.

"Aw look the school's fakest couple is fighting." A guy commented, walking towards us with a smug face.

"I swear I am going to put his head through a wall one day." My fake boyfriend muttered.

"I'll help you." I said, then turning towards the imbecile who interrupted us.

"What do you want, Colin? I mean, why do you have to be popping up every single time?"

"I am just checking in on the fakest couple."

"We are in the middle of breaking up, you can get lost now." I barked, clearly irritated.

Why the sudden irritation? Well, it had been a month since Drake and I talked properly. Our teachers decided that the seniors should start focusing on their future and choice of colleges. As a result, there had been various counselling sessions- both group and individuals – arranged. Those took up all our free periods and guess what? I got three detentions in the same month trying to get to classes and counselling sessions on time.

Of course, I was glad that my view of future was getting clearer by the day but it really put a strain on my friendships- especially with Drake. He was not seen outside school much except if I caught him in the café; he had even stopped coming on the rooftop except that one day that I called him and he stayed only for about an hour.

"Come on, I am driving you home." Dylan said, getting up and shoving past Colin, followed by me. We walked to the parking lot and got inside his car.

"We need to do something, Dylan. I know I thought I want nothing with him and all these feelings will pass, but that didn't happen. I am at a point where I am close desperation. It is pathetic really." I said, folding my hands and lowering my head. I felt Dylan's hand running soothing circles on my back.

Just for the sake of seeing him, I started to go to the café once or twice a week which sometimes extended to three times. I stayed for about two hours before heading home. I might as well have gotten a job there with the way things were going, I thought.

Suddenly, the teachers were pretty surprised to have me submitting homework before the deadline instead of a day past it. And you would not want me start talking about my physics teacher- Mr Parker: he was so confused.

He even questioned me if I had gotten someone to do my homework- it was both correct and on time. Yeah, I blamed that on my reputation of not paying attention in the class which had still not improved.

Once Drake noticed my pattern of showing up, he gave in and started using his ten minutes break to stay with me and help me with topics I had doubts in instead of ignoring me and making lame excuses to hide in the store room.

Hannah would stand there and shake her head, amusedly.

"I am sorry, A. I will end this- I am ready to come out to our friends." Dylan announced. "I'll ask everyone to come to Jaime's tomorrow after school. Today, you should go and tell him that we were not really dating. Go get him."

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now