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A few places later, we didn't know where to go. Everyone held something or the other in their hands which they had either bought or won.

"Where to next?" Wade asked, "Let's go there- the basketball machine." Alex said, pointing in the right direction.

"I'm in." Dylan immediately agreed and we walked to the place. Two teams were made- Dylan, Wade, and Taylor on one team whereas Alex, Ava, Chris and Drake on the other. While they played, the others- including myself- went to find some place to eat.

"I didn't expect to have as much fun as I'm having this evening. Chris told us you guys were pretty great but I was still a little doubtful." Alissa admitted.

"Well, thank you. We are pretty awesome, right?" I said jokingly, nudging Nate.

"Absolutely." He beamed as Alissa laughed with us. The sound of music playing somewhere reached our ears, making us move towards that direction without any exchange of words. The sight in front of me made my jaw drop and eyes light up in joy. "This is going to be fun."

"Looks like we found are next stop." Nate said, already reading my mind. "There's food too." The girl with us pointed out. It was then that we noticed that the karaoke place was surrounded by food stalls.

"Perfect. Come on, let's go get the others." I said, already moving backwards.


"It took him three matches to realise that he could've taken another member." Alex said, smirking at a frowning Dylan.

"It's just not his day, today." Wade laughed, others joining him.

"Aw guys, don't make fun of him." Nate said, defending his friend before adding-, "What happened if he couldn't even score more than three baskets? Even Ava scored more than him." Everyone burst out laughing again.

"The machine was rigged." our victimised friend mumbled when Ava spoke at the same time-,

"Hey, what do you mean 'even Ava'?" she asked accusingly raising her eyebrow,


"See!" I grabbed everyone's attention- saving Nate- by pointing towards the karaoke place, pulling Tay along. We reached the girl who stood near the stage and system.

"Hey, you guys interested?" She asked us, to which Taylor and I nodded like little kids who were just asked if they wanted their favourite candy.

"Which song?"

"22- Taylor Swift." Both of us said together, looking at each other. Tay took absolute pride in sharing name with the Taylor Swift.

"Alright, just let this one finish. And I have to ask for the sake of people listening- can they sing?" she asked while collecting the money, her questioned directed at our friends.

"Taylor can, Astrid not so much." Ava answered earning a gasp from me accompanied by overlapping of hands over my mouth. Soon, we were on stage with mic in our hands and our friends stood in front of us.

"Hey guys, prior apologies for her not able to sing but don't worry, I'll make up for her." Taylor said in the mic, her thumb pointing in my direction.

"I'm going to start getting offended now." I pouted, getting some laughs. The song started playing and we bumped our shoulders with the music-

Taylor- "It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters
And make fun of our exes
Uh-uh, uh-uh"

Hours After Sundown [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now