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(so some of you wanted Bakudeku, some of you wanted fluff, some wanted fem deku I'm putting them together! Also don't be shy make of fun of my writing style hehe 🙃 Feel free to request any ships and what you want from them like kinks and smut, fluff or angst. If you feel shy and don't feel comfortable enough to openly talk about what you'd prefer for a one shot then you can always send me a message and I'll try and respond and publish it as fast as I can!)

lately that stupid deku has been acting strange. She's more jumpy around me and looks like she's been keeping secrets. I think she's the UA traitor. I really don't want her to be the traitor. I'd miss her- wait what... NO I WOULDN'T. Shut up brain. There is no way I'm gonna miss that stupid nerd. I'll crush her if she's the UA traitor. I'll be number one hero and I'll crush her villain ass. Wait what am I saying that deku has wanted to be a hero since we were kids. She would never be a villain...would she? "-kubro, HEY BAKUBRO!! you good?" Shitty hair asked, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. "What do you want shitty hair" I said in my usual angryish tone. "I'm worried about you your quiet and not yelling or exploding things... it's weird" kirishima said in a worried tone. "I'm fine shitty hair just mind your own business" I said walking away. I need to make a plan to figure out what's wrong with that damn nerd. I GOT IT! I'm gonna follow her and see what she does the whole day. Yeah that's it! I'll spy on her and make sure she didn't do anything suspicious.

I can't believe I got hanahaki disease now of all times! UA just found out they had a traitor and now I've been leaving earlier than usually and acting weirder. I AM SO SCREWED! they're gonna think it's me and kick me out!CALM DOWN IZUMI! They won't kick me out with no proof so just calm down. The most important thing is that NOBODY can find out especially not kacchan. jeez of all people I fell in love with it just HAD to be kacchan, before it was a stupid childhood crush but now it's either die or forget about him. worst part is I know he'll never return my feelings. CHEER UP IZUMI just make a snack in the kitchen and drown in your sorrows quietly.

Izumi left her room which just so happened to be in the boys side. As she was walking to the kitchen she felt like someone's eyes were on her, following her every move. She simply shrugged and ignored it though she did have a suspicion of who it could've been. On the flip side we had kacchan desperately trying to prove himself wrong. He wanted his suspicions of deku being a UA traitor to be wrong so bad. He was following her quietly and carefully, on the outside he looked calm but ok the inside he was completely panicking because the girl he loves could be the thing he wants to defeat. As he followed her to the kitchen he noticed something... she was sad? She looked like she was gonna burst into tears at any moment. That's when he noticed it. A single tear falling out of her left eye. 'What's wrong with deku and why is she crying?' That's all he could think of. Only one thing was able to snap him out of his train of thoughts and it was the sound of coughing. 'DANG IT.... not here, please not here!' Deku thought. She felt panicked and hoped nobody was around to see the flower and blood that came out of her mouth after the cough, she was surprised at the whole flower that came out, before it was just simple petals but after having it for a month or two it was bound to get worse.

deku?! Is that damn nerd ok? Should I break my cover or was it just a simple cough? I'm breaking cover. I'll find out another day, for right now I gotta figure out if she's ok. I walked over to that damn nerd and that's when I saw it... the blood in her hands and a single yellow carnation. I panicked... did she have hanahaki? Is this why she was jumpy around everyone. "Deku! Who are you in love with...?" I said in a slightly angry but mainly worried tone. "Nobody kacchan...heh don't worry" she said in a slightly weak tone. That's when I realized... could it have! "Deku my favorite flowers are yellow carnations so... is it me?" I asked in a slightly hopeful tone. "it's ok kacchan...I'm ok so don't worry about it" she said refusing to look at me. Maybe in fear of crying? Maybe on fear of doing something she could regret. "Deku... look at me when I'm talking to you!" I said getting slightly annoyed by her behavior. "FINE KACCHAN ITS YOU OK. YOU HAPPY NOW?" She said while breaking down crying. Why can't she see how worried I am right now. I love her too so why can't she understand that. "DEKU I LOVE YOU. I HAVE LOVED YOU SINCE WE WERE 5 OK?" I screamed at her so she could finally understand that I mean it. "really...?"
She says looking at me with her beautiful green irises. "yeah damn nerd... really." I said in a soft tone that shocked me even.

He loves me..? you mean to tell me that my childhood crush, the boy I'm in love with actually loves me. so I suffered through hanahaki disease because I was too stupid to realize that. "I love you too kacchan. I've loved you for a while now... you were my childhood crush" I said with a big smile on my face. "Kacchan since I love you... and you love me... would you wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked slightly nervous for his response. "of course deku that goes without saying" he said rolling his eyes with a slight smile on his lips. "Let's go to my room since it's closer." Kacchan said with his signature smirk. "Ok Kacchan but I'm sleeping over cuz I haven't been able to sleep well." I said with a tired voice. "Are you ok babe? Why haven't you been sleeping well?!" He asked in a panicked tone. "Babe?" I said while blushing. "Yeah, babe... so are you ok?" He said with a small blush on his face. "Yeah I'm ok... I couldn't sleep well before because I was constantly coughing petals." I said rubbing my neck sheepishly. "Damn deku... next time something LIFE THREATENING happens to you, I better be the first to hear about it. I can't lose the love of my life over another misunderstanding ok?" He said in teasing tone but I could tell he was serious about what he said. "Ok babe but can you carry me to your room I'm really tired and I don't wanna walk!" I said slightly pouting, making sure to throw in my puppy eyes so I could get carried for sure. "Tch I regret teaching you that trick when we were younger." He said in a mock anger tone. "heheh I guess karma got you back huh..." I said trying to hold back my laughter.

"What are you waiting for? Hop On." I said with a small smile on my face. "Sorry right... um can you bend down a little it's hard for a 5'1 girl to climb onto a 5'7 boy." She said slightly annoyed at having to mention our heights. "Oh right I almost forgot you were so short since your sitting on the floor..." I said slightly embarrassed that I forgot her height when I've known her my whole life basically. "ok kacchan... let's go!" She said in a tired yet demanding voice. I picked her up piggy back ride style and carried her to my room. I layer her on my bed gently and then passed her one of my shirts to change into. I got some comfy clothes to change into and went to the bathroom. When we finished changing, we got back onto bed and cuddled eachother to sleep. Her head on my chest listening to my heartbeat while my head was on her poofy green curls. We both went to sleep.

*time skip two months later*

(still kacchans POV)
It's been around two months since me and deku started dating. At first we both thought it was a smart idea to keep it from our classmates but I couldn't wait anymore. too many people were flirting with her. Everyone in class had a crush on her and I couldn't take it anymore. I walked into class, dragged her by her arm into the front of the room and once everyone (except Aizawa) was there I kissed her. She was shocked but then kissed back after a couple seconds. The kiss was interrupted when todoroki yanked her off me by the arm and said "BAKUHOE WTF DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO MIDORIYA." He sounded angry. "YOU FREAKINV ASSHOLE WTH YOU JUST STOLE THE INNOCENT BEANS FIRST KISS!" Another person said I couldn't tell who it was. "GUYS STOP! me and him are dating I'm sorry for not telling you guys... also he stole my first kiss a while ago." Deku said kinda nervously. "Yeah damn extras, me and her are dating plus our first kiss was back in pre-k" I chimed in (with a haven't you people of heard of closing the GODDAMN fort no?!) slight proud of myself. Everyone FINALLY stopped making a big deal out of it and left me and deku alone.

word count not including these final ones or anything in parentheses: 1,562 words

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